This video , that showing the enhancer of a Philips 70W MH lamp during a hot restrike on an Osram Powertronic ballast, brought to my head the idea that enhancers can also be used as operating indicator lamps for ignitors and electronic ballasts ignition systems operation, as these enhancher lights only when the ignitor/electronic ballasts, cold or hot restriking the lamp.
This is very useful to visually indicating the operation of smart ignitors and electronic ballasts with an intervals based ignition, as the enhancher can display when the ignitor/ballast firing and when it is not by light only when the ignitor/ballast firing, and shut down when the ignitor/ballast, enters a delay.
This is also usefull to assist in detecting a faulity ignitor or ballast (Enhancher wouldn't light if the ignitor or the ballast don't works).
The enhancher can also display the behavior of the ignitor visually during the hot restrike of the lamp: With an Eltam ES-50, the enhancer would flash 4-5 times per sec. With a superimposed ignitor, it will flicker 50hz, and with an electronic ballast, it willn't flicker at all.