I have noticed from several videos and now i have an evidence from a video of a member here, that several 250W-400W MH lamps have outside Israel, much shorter cooling down period that in Israel.
Lets take for example this video:
The Philips HPI-T 250W in this video, takes only 2 mins to hot restrike with the fixtures original ignitor. The same lamp (HPI-T) but the 400W version in a Gaash Jupiter floodlight on the building of Ein-Hayam elementray school, observed by me hot restriking after 15-20 mins with an Eltam ES50 semi-parallel ignitor, which produces 2-4 pulses/sec (Ash even went so far, saying that he saw an HPI-T that took about a hour to hot restrike).
The Osram HQI-T 250W/D in this video, takes 5 mins to hot restrike with the lantern original ignitor. The
Osram HQI-E 150W/WDL in Park Hecht , for comparision, took twice (10 mins) to hot restrike.
Two other lamps, that i saw that takes 15-20 mins to hot restrike, are the Tungsram HgMIF 400/Dx and the US Osram Powerstar HQI-T 400W/N/SI when they hot restrike with the Eltam ES50 ignitor on Gaash transparent high bays in Leo-Beack high school.
Generally, most medium wattage (250-400W) MH lamps in Israel, tends to have a very long cooling down period with our local made ignitors or with the ignitors that available here in Israel.
Why this is happening??? Is there are problems with our local made ignitors?