In my school today, I was sitting in homeroom waiting for class. To be exact, gym and homeroom are my first periods. THe gymnasium has Metal Halide HID high bay lights, and during a thunderstorm this morning, the power flickered, and of course, all of them turned off for a few minutes, cool down, and restarted. But after the 2nd power surge, 13 out of 20 of them, "popped", and died. Gym went really dull, and the breakers tripped in the electrical room. The breakers control half the lights each, so 2 breakers, 10 lights each.
Teacher went to reset them, and none but the 7 that were "unharmed" came on. Teacher left the lights off for 10 minutes, restarted, and still the same.
The whole gym period, 2 hours about, the lights never came on. Each bulb in the fixture was pure black, and surprisingly, they didn't explode on anyone.
Fast forward to the end of the day. They had 4 fixtures down off the ceiling, and they were opened up. Each one was filled with blackness and burnt inside. They tried unscrewing the bulbs, and the bulbs just broke off inside the base from heat damage!!!
Obviously the power surge killed most of the lights!