I grew up with Mercury lamps and would hate to see them go, but will live with a metal halide bulb, as I consider them an improved Mercury Lamp. I've had no problems running a standard probe start 175 MH Lamp in an old 175 Watt norelco dusk to dawn fixture with a high reactance auto transformer ballast. The problem is not running the lamp but starting it. I made a "remote" starter out of a SPDT switch. One side of the switch is neutral, the other side is 240 V through a 200 Watt light bulb for current limiting. I apply the current limited 240 V to the fixture. When the incandescent bulb gets bright, I know that the MH bulb in the fixture started. I then quickly flip the switch to apply neutral instead of the 240 V, thus returning the fixture back to 120V. I never had any problem with my manual start system..