WELL !!! I took the bulbs to the dual lamp rapid start ( High power factor) fixture and the rings are GONE! There's a bit left on the bottom, but the bulbs now look as good as new. This is VERY interesting.
Frequently the condensed mercury form dark bands, mainly after short heat surge on electrodes. Normally the electrde/lead in wires metal attract the mercury, but when it is heated, the mercury evaporate and condense on the cold glass. If the lamp does not warm up fully, the mercury stay there and form dark bands.
I think it is the sam mechanism, what make Alto's mercury starved after electrode overheat in cold lamp: The mercury is released from the amalgam, but as the glass is cold, it condense there and does not return. Then it is missing in the discharge, but i guess such state would be temporary - till the whole lamp fully warm up and the mercury evaporate from the glass.
The difference to sputtered electrodes is, then those dark bands disappear, as the mercury evaporate after warmup (but may return at cool down)