@icefoglights, yep. Sounds like it.

Likely a replica... pure garbage, much like the scammer that held it.
It's so weird how people think that those scams actually work, and they make the attempts to actually go forward with those scams.
Special hatred goes to those people anytime I encounter them. Uncontrollable rage... people like that can sometimes make it even more difficult
for those that are truly suffering, due to true lack of income. Next time this "ring" scam happens to me again, I will LAUGH in their faces before
drowning out their audible mouth filth with my loud exhaust as I drive away.
I like that gas station, (Murphy's) and I typically go there anytime I need gas... but I guess I should refrain from going there with my sportcar
or motorcycle, if it means I avoid attracting people like that. I'll just go to other nearby gas stations instead.