I am looking for information on integrated bookcase lighting, but only have limited pictures of what I'm looking for. I included links to web pictures below. They are in the office of French author Edmonde Charles Roux, and she has since passed away. I do not know where this office is located nor if this setup still exists (or who occupies the office now).
Here's what I know about this setup :
- it is integrated into the shelf, and lights both upwards and downwards ;
- it is incandescent, and if one lamp burns out, the others stay lit ;
- as far as I can see, there are no plastic or glass covers either above or below ;
- the shelves are not adjustable ;
- there appears to be a wedge-shaped reflector/diffuser into the slot at the front of the shelves ;
- the pictures were taken in France.
Here's what I don't know :
- lamp type. I suspect they might be double ended festoon, but not sure ;
- lamp wattage/brightness ;
- manufacturer ;
- date of manufacture.
I should add that I never saw them in real life.
https://www.radiofrance.fr/s3/cruiser-production/2016/07/9fe012d9-257a-4f8c-9caa-9094bf3d01c5/1200x680_edmondecharlesrouxmodif.jpghttps://img.lemde.fr/2016/01/21/0/20/2808/1872/1440/960/60/0/a9bebe1_19572-1abtejj.jpghttps://www.francetvinfo.fr/pictures/uLbnR_5c4sKkBzyawvAAP-tiAPQ/1200x900/2016/01/21/phpfnBh07_1.jpghttps://www.come-back.be/sites/default/files/roux1.jpgMany thanks to everyone who can provide insight on this topic !