I am not happy with how controlling it has become here regarding pic quality and commenting - sure I do my best to make quality pics but sometimes there are situations where your own pic happens to be not so good quality and it was only one opportunity to get it - like for example my pic of the Thorn Alpha 3 main road lanterns running MV lamps on a long stretch of road in Ireland. Thanks to those who appreciated it like AL-M who provided me the road location on Google Maps. That pic I got told off that it was bad quality and I had to explain why it was the case
I don't seem to feel appreciated anymore with whatever I put up with my vintage and not so vintage (non LED) finds of lighting that I got from the car boot sales and charity shops from last year and this year as I barely get any comments on my pics - like it would be grand to know what year the bulbs and tubes are made, etc. I don't expect crazy amount of validation but since I go through the effort of posting these pics, it would be nice if you can comment showing appreciation and if possible to provide any information such as date and the timeline of their produce and where they were mostly used at - if you can't genuinely do that then it is OK but please hear me out on this. I would like to know for example when was my Thorn 36W tube made? I know it is late 80s but I'd love to know the exact year and month if someone can decipher it. Also I understand how ppl can be busy and overloaded but at the same time I can't help but feel underappreciated
Also so many ppl who have been on this site earlier than me and they made me feel welcome, have been repelled away
From now on I will stop posting pics on here cos I don't see the point. Kudos to the ones who appreciate of who I am and what I post on