It could also be mercury in the phosphor, I found a couple of ancient tubes in an old DIY shop hidden away. They must have been about 15 year old and when I first hooked them up to the ballast they flickered dimly and took about 15 minutes to reach full brightness. While they were warming up the grey colour of the phosphor started disappearing at the cathodes and spreading along to the centre of the tube until it reached full brightness.
Since this first switch on they've been fine!
I have had lamps to do this too. I got many of my Miller fixtures from the old cotton mill. Some of them had not been used for many years and had nearly NOS Sylvania Lifeline F40/D lamps in them. When first powered up, they were shimmering and dim in the middle. Once run a few minutes, they came up to full brightness and have worked fine ever since. This seems even worse with the newer "low mercury" lamps.