The Universal 203 ballast, blue label F40 tulamp preheat also showed up on ebay for the same price with two available, but with best offer. I tried to send the seller a best offer of 20 dollars rather than the 40 and he counteroffered for $31.90 with an added statement saying it was his best and final offer. I declined, but if someone wants to take that up, feel free.
Here is the link. Although still pricey, I've had good experiences with this seller before so if anyone is interested I'd highly recommend going for it.
Note that the 203 ballast is different from the 205 in that it does not have a yellow starter loop for the lead lamp starter. I suspect it may act like the Advance Longjohns but it might also have been originally made for fixtures that have an external starting compensator as well. I'm not sure.