's a video of my way of running a SOX 18 on a standard 15w fluorescent lamp ballast. It ignites in 2 tries by paralleling a capacitor to the lamp. This can be done with a manual switch, but i'm using a fluorescent lamp starter to automate that process.
How it exactly works, i'm not yet sure. It appears that the capacitor together with the ballast's inductance creates some ringing at 300Hz, causing a 'ring' every half period when the lamp extinguishes. It's somewhat hard to measure - because i don't have a storage scope and the lamp will ignite fairly rapidly.
It works very well, ever so slightly under-running the lamp with a measured 310mA of lamp current (which is rated for 350). Measured with a conventional multimeter, not accounting for wave form etc.
Without the capacitor, it takes about 20 kicks from the starter to finally get it lit. It does not work well without.
By now i also own a Philips XGC113 wall/ceiling light with a normal ignitor and ballast.