Author Topic: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115  (Read 3037 times)

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Re: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115 « Reply #15 on: October 30, 2022, 10:24:59 PM » Author: joseph_125
I think it's for the dwindling number of utilities that still use HID for spot replacement purposes. Then again, I've seen some HPS installs here as late as earlier this year. 
wide-lite 1000

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Re: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115 « Reply #16 on: October 30, 2022, 11:43:32 PM » Author: wide-lite 1000
 @ joseph : When I got my NYC spec OVZ I originally thought it was plastic as it was so light and flimsy !! All of the new HID installs here seem to be on projects that've been in the planning stages for years . Everything else is LED .

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Re: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115 « Reply #17 on: October 30, 2022, 11:51:10 PM » Author: joseph_125
Yeah, it seems like most of the HID are from multi year projects finally getting completed. The others are things such as spot replacement of remaining HID, one off installs, or temp lighting.

The MTO has basically been using only LED for years now.

My NYC OVZ felt pretty flimsy too, especially with the plastic refractor and electronic ballast. At least the door seems to be reasonably sturdy. My OVF's door bends whenever I latch it.

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Re: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115 « Reply #18 on: November 12, 2022, 10:04:03 PM » Author: Lumex120
Well for now anyways the "discontinued" marking has been removed. Whether that was a mistake or they haven't actually discontinued it, it's hard to say.

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Re: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115 « Reply #19 on: November 13, 2022, 03:41:12 PM » Author: joseph_125
I suppose you could try ordering one and seeing what they say. I suppose since the FCO version is still made, it isn't too much of a stretch to continue making the drop lens version if Holophane suddenly had stock of refractors again. Or maybe it's only offered with plastic refractors now...who knows.

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SodiumVapor 105843202020668111118 UCpGClK_9OH8N4QkD1fp-jNw majorpayne1226 187567902@N04/
Re: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115 « Reply #20 on: December 08, 2022, 08:52:41 AM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
This is why I have been a lot less active lately. All the HID stuff out in nature is dwindling and it is quite depressing. Obviously there will still be a lot of HID around for a while yet but I keep longing for a bygone era and it sucks that it is gone, and replaced with these lame ass white light sources that promise so much and half the time don't even live up to expectation. Yes they are efficient. But efficiency lacks soul. It is the same thing with modern cars, modern computers, modern paint schemes.... MODERN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN.... It all just honestly sucks. Ain't my style. Ain't my vibe.

 When I see a fully sodium or mercury lit street or hear the buzz of a wild HID light. I try to take in the view as much as possible because at this rate it is a certainty that the only survivors of this evolution are gonna be in our collections at some point.

Who knows maybe the general population will miss the technology at some point and recreate it but I highly doubt it. Sodium lights and mercury lights don't have the same appeal as neon tube signs do.... It is not like these lamps were used artistically in any significant way that could not be replicated with LED. That fact is also kinda disheartening.

On a secondary note. Was the OVX ever offered in 175 watt mercury or 150 or 250 watt HPS. I want one of those some day but I don't really want a 400 watt light. Too big. The OVX and I think the OVH are the ones I grew up with. I really like the OVX shape though. It is interesting. I am hoping it came in a small form factor.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2022, 08:57:19 AM by HomeBrewLamps » Logged


:colorbulb: Scavenger, Urban Explorer, Lighting Enthusiast and Creator of homebrewlamps 8) :colorbulb:


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Re: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115 « Reply #21 on: December 08, 2022, 08:57:35 AM » Author: Burrito
Yes, the OVX was offered in 150-400 watt HPS as for mercury, I think maybe 250-400 watt

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wide-lite 1000

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Re: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115 « Reply #22 on: December 09, 2022, 11:29:54 PM » Author: wide-lite 1000
I believe I have at least 1 OVX in 175w MV .  Too many streetlights...I can't remember !!

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Re: American Electric discontinues the refractor version of the 115 « Reply #23 on: December 10, 2022, 12:41:07 AM » Author: Lumex120
This is why I have been a lot less active lately. All the HID stuff out in nature is dwindling and it is quite depressing. Obviously there will still be a lot of HID around for a while yet but I keep longing for a bygone era and it sucks that it is gone, and replaced with these lame ass white light sources that promise so much and half the time don't even live up to expectation. Yes they are efficient. But efficiency lacks soul. It is the same thing with modern cars, modern computers, modern paint schemes.... MODERN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN.... It all just honestly sucks. Ain't my style. Ain't my vibe.

You're not the only one who feels this way, I can tell you that. It's really unfortunate how it always seems like the most efficient solutions are also the most boring and soulless. I try to have a positive outlook on things, but the direction it seems things are going in the future (lighting being a big one of course, but I'm also talking about things like subscription based products instead of full ownership, self driving cars, most modern architecture, technology and items being nearly impossible for the end user to service... yeah) I don't feel like there's much to look forward to anymore. Lighting is the worst of it though, back when things other than LED were commonplace I thought the way fluorescent and HID lighting worked was amazing and almost magical. LEDs certainly don't have that same appeal, and I absolutely hate the fact that it seems like there isn't a single application where LED isn't the better choice.

Honestly if it wasn't for the career I want to pursue and my seemingly never ending desire to learn new things (or to see what kinds of scientific discoveries come in the future), I'd like to just move somewhere as far away from civilization as reasonable for me, build my dream workshop and a small off grid house, adopt some rescue farm animals, and enjoy my lighting collection and other things I like in peace. Maybe I'd even have a few neighbors/friends with similar attitudes, who knows.

I suppose you could try ordering one and seeing what they say. I suppose since the FCO version is still made, it isn't too much of a stretch to continue making the drop lens version if Holophane suddenly had stock of refractors again. Or maybe it's only offered with plastic refractors now...who knows.
I tried ordering some, they are officially discontinued. In fact, all of AEL's HID stuff is gone, making them another LED-only manufacturer now.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2022, 12:45:09 AM by Lumex120 » Logged

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