Author Topic: Collection management program?  (Read 690 times)

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Formerly "TiCoune66". Also known here as Vince.

Collection management program? « on: June 29, 2022, 08:14:15 PM » Author: Foxtronix
Here's some random idea I had recently at work amidst typing a bunch of PLUs on the POS' keyboard:

Many of us have sizable collections, and many others keep impressive quantities of spare lamps/fixtures for future use. And a few of us certainly have both LOL. It can get pretty difficult not to lose track of what we have and don't have, which can obviously be a problem.

Would there be any interest in a computer program allowing to manage a collection/stockpile? I'm imagining something running in a Linux terminal (or Windows console, both can be done), and whose interface resembles whatever POS software is running where I currently work.

I'm familiar enough with C to give it a try. I also experimented to some extent with ncurses (a terminal interface library), which has variants for Windows and even DOS.  :lol:


Re: Collection management program? « Reply #1 on: June 29, 2022, 08:22:48 PM » Author: Rommie
We've been experimenting with the idea of using a spreadsheet. It's what James does, and if it's good enough for him..  ;D

So far we've not progressed very far with it, so any ideas you or anyone else has will be welcome.
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