Author Topic: question about members  (Read 1064 times)

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My idol is Mylene Farmer, deal with it.

question about members « on: June 12, 2022, 03:44:16 AM » Author: vytautas_lamps
Hi there,

I don't follow all news on this site, and I am a bit confused as of why some of the main members are now just guests? Like, I go on older posts to see some of my favorite uploads and I see that the guy who been here for a long time is now either mister X or still has its name, but in the comments where the author is posting a comment, it just says 'guest' and its name under. I noticed that members like freekstar, bean, and some others have become just guests for some reason. Why is that? have they left the site? or have they been kicked out? how do I know that this will not happen to me?  ??? Thank you for your comments  :)

New lighting technologies is a pity fest everywhere you look. From LEDs that last only for two months, to a never-ending global starvation of t8 fluorescent tubes.
We shall reinforce ourselves with good old full mercury t12s and HIDs made to surpass one's life, and give them all the middle finger ;


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Formerly "TiCoune66". Also known here as Vince.

Re: question about members « Reply #1 on: June 12, 2022, 05:20:40 AM » Author: Foxtronix
I noticed that some posts retain their author's name (who are referred to as "guests"), while others turned completely blank. I wonder if an account being deleted by the user vs banned by the staff has anything to do with this.  :wndr:


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Other loves are printers/scanners/copiers, A/Cs

Re: question about members « Reply #2 on: June 12, 2022, 05:41:33 AM » Author: dor123
These are deleted accounts. When users deletes their account, this is the result.

I"m don't speak English well, and rely on online translating to write in this site.
Please forgive me if my choice of my words looks like offensive, while that isn't my intention.

I only working with the international date format (

I lives in Israel, which is a 220-240V, 50hz country.


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Diehard MV, HPS, SOX & Preheat Fluorescent Fanatic

Re: question about members « Reply #3 on: June 12, 2022, 06:40:01 AM » Author: 108CAM
I've noticed it too. In one of my cases, I spotted a lone comment from a user who left the site and all their message board topics and photos were gone but this one single comment they had made on another user's photo remains but oddly their rank and username that links to the profile page is still there.

Fluro starter pings combined with a 50hz ballast hum and blinking tubes is music to my ears.

Rest in Peace Electronic Lamp Manufacturers of Australia

Bring back the AJF Zodiacs!

Total incidents since joining LG: 18
Lamps accidently broken or smashed: 15
Ballast explosions/burnouts: 3

Re: question about members « Reply #4 on: June 12, 2022, 06:49:11 AM » Author: Rommie
They're deleted accounts. If a user has been banned (rare, honest..!) their username is still on the system, but if they've requested deletion then they'll show up as a guest.

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Resolutely crack down on inferior LED lighting!!

Re: question about members « Reply #5 on: June 12, 2022, 09:26:11 PM » Author: bulb_tester2009
I wonder what happened to the user "Bean", who has replied to my posts many times.

My interest in lights began when I was a child
One of the few Chinese users in LG

:hps: Lamp bases in China:E12(CES) E14(SES) B22d(BC) E27(ES) E40(GES)
:hps: The use of resistor-capacitor drivers or very poor quality LEDs in my collection is prohibited.

Re: question about members « Reply #6 on: June 26, 2022, 10:41:25 PM » Author: Rommie
I've been wondering what's happened to a lot of the members as well as the site.
Since I've returned from a 7 month absence I've noticed a lot of missing members as well as less activity.
I guess it's nothing more than a phase that the site is going through along with summer is vacation time.
Maybe some people just have less time or have moved on.
Sometimes  :wndr: :wndr: :wndr: :wndr:
Re: question about members « Reply #7 on: June 27, 2022, 07:57:07 AM » Author: Rommie
I think it happens anywhere and everywhere to some extent. People's interests change and they move on. We have literally hundreds of dormant members, some of whom haven't logged on for a decade or more  :-\
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