Author Topic: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!!  (Read 3733 times)
Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « on: May 02, 2022, 04:49:25 PM » Author: Rommie
I just watched a video from Big Clive on the very serious subject of microwave oven transformers, and the dangers of messing with them.

As I've seen topics and gallery posts in the past on here regarding experimenting with these devices, I think that everyone who has ever even so much as had idle thoughts about doing this should watch it.

The link to the video is here and in the description there is a link, which is mentioned in the video, to an article about what happened to a woman who (just) survived doing this. Warning - it shows a very graphic picture of her injuries.

In short, MOT's are LETHAL and should not be messed with  :poof: @-@

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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #1 on: May 02, 2022, 09:46:15 PM » Author: Lumex120
I've done a lot of questionable electrical experiments over the years but I've always decided that MOTs are something I'm not going to touch for this exact reason.

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Matthew E.

Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #2 on: May 02, 2022, 11:29:58 PM » Author: Econolite03
Want to know what hell looks like? Mess with a MOT and find out.

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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #3 on: May 02, 2022, 11:52:06 PM » Author: joseph_125
Yeah, I've done some pretty sketchy electrical experiments but I don't have a MOT for this reason.

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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #4 on: May 03, 2022, 12:53:40 AM » Author: tolivac
I have seen these videos and have posted warnings in the comments not to mess with high voltages in this sort of casual way.The high voltages in our transmitters -they are in a grounded metal cabinet-interlocked doors and access panels.To get to the components you have to turn the supplies off,open the main circuit breaker-obtain access keys from the breaker.Also you have to close grounding switches.And inside the transmitter-----USE THE GROUNDING HOOK!!!!!!

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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #5 on: May 03, 2022, 02:39:20 AM » Author: Medved
When messing up with a microwave internals (cleaning, servicing,...), I was always scared just from the possibility of the few kV remaining on the ballasting capacitor (possible in case of the bleeder resistor failure - you will never see that). Messing up with the transformer in such open manners is really insane...

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Rich, Coaster junkie!

Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #6 on: May 03, 2022, 04:23:32 AM » Author: AngryHorse
Agree with all the above, we’ve actually tried this at work, and did get some nice patterns to some extent, (our water solution wasn’t quite right), but bear in mind we were 3 maintenance personnel that were FULLY aware of the danger involved, and had all the safety isolation precautions in place.
I think if anyone wanted to do this, then big Clive has a very valid point of doing it with a much lower current.

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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #7 on: May 03, 2022, 07:32:23 PM » Author: ElectroLite
Thank you for posting this, Ria.

Too many times I've seen people (especially kids) on YouTube (or worse; TikTok) recreating these deadly experiments with ZERO prior knowledge of electricity & equipment or regard for their safety. They often take after other idiots doing it unsafely and assume it's all fun and games. After all, the mentality goes something like: "if they did it, why can't I also do it and get views?". It's quite a shame since the more knowledgeable YouTubers such as Photon can get put off from sharing such experiments because the idiots will inevitably copy it and throw safety right out the window. Remember what he did in 2012?

The ones that really get me the most are those that use freakin' jumper cables, alligator clips, or clamps on the high voltage side, proceed to hold both leads with opposite hands, and then switching on the power. This is very scary to watch and I guarantee this is how a LOT of these deaths happened. Not only are jumper cables in no way meant for 4kV, but you are BLATENTLY HOLDING BOTH LIVE WIRES, CREATING AN IDEAL ELECTRICAL PATH FOR DEATH. NEVER in ANY scenario should you hold both live leads at once, let alone one at all. This video here is one of many that comes to mind. The amount of blatant incompetence shown here is staggering:

Remember: The voltages being dealt with here are borderline DISTRIBUTION voltages. There's a reason linemen isolate themselves, wear heavy gloves, use the "chickenstick", and stand way back when working with live circuits. Electricity doesn't scare me personally, but I do have the utmost respect for it. And it sickens me watching these people pull off such experiments with zero regard for their safety for others to copy and (potentially) lose their life. I think if anyone wants to get into the world of high voltage, that they should play with a Neon Transformer first, but only after doing extensive research on the topic.

Here is a glimpse of the most dangerous experiment I've ever done. No one should ever replicate this under any condition. Several safety measures were taken into consideration though: besides already being very familiar with what I was dealing with, I had a stop switch nearby, a pneumatic deadmans switch to activate power, 15kV rated cable, 2 spectators (IMPORTANT. Never do HV alone), and other proper PPE including insulated gloves and footwear. There was no way for the electricity to travel to me. Still, It's an experiment I haven't even considered doing again 2 years later.

Please be safe out there everyone.

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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #8 on: May 04, 2022, 12:06:31 AM » Author: ElectroLite
Forgot I also had this very self-explanatory clip; The Sausage Test. This should give you an idea on what might happen if one were to come in contact with such voltages, whether out of an MOT or a powerline. Be careful everyone.... Don't screw with this stuff.

High Intensity

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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #9 on: May 04, 2022, 12:09:45 AM » Author: High Intensity
I used to mess around with MOTs in the past (though I haven't powered one up in a few years), and I can say first hand that they're really scary to mess with, not only because of the high voltage, but also because they can easily catch fire if you push them too hard. So I would advise that most people steer clear of them too.

Now recently, I started a project that requires an MOT, but it involves rewinding the secondary of the MOT with a few turns thick wire, (meaning I would get only a couple of volts, but can output many amps).

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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #10 on: May 04, 2022, 01:29:04 AM » Author: tolivac
Even neon sign transformers can be LETHAL-and of course backward connected pole pigs!3 of our transmitters have "pole pig" style transformers-primary 4160 V secondaries connected to a 12 Kv and 15Kv rectifiers.Provied high voltage DCV power to RF power amp tubes and modulator tubes.At our plant the transmitters work from 4160V-building is fed 4160V from a 10Mva substation that is fed from 115Kv 3ph.Other high voltage supply transformers here are three phase.One of the transmiters has killed an employee-so we are CAREFUL!!!!Use grounding switches and grounding hooks!!!Can't emphasize that too much!Surprized we didn't see the DEATH of that clown horsing with his MOT.

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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #11 on: May 04, 2022, 02:25:19 AM » Author: ElectroLite
Surprized we didn't see the DEATH of that clown horsing with his MOT.
It gets even worse, believe it or not. At one point he actually posted a video of the very experiment that has killed many, with the same incompetence and shortcomings of safety. YouTube took the video down after deeming it too dangerous and informing him that people have died doing this, but only after a few years and millions of views. There’s probably a repost of it somewhere, but viewer discretion is advised.

He got very frustrated at YouTubes decision and had the audacity to try and appeal it after the fact too. After learning people died. It’s amazing how money & fame can influence people. 😥
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 09:21:27 AM by ElectroLite » Logged
Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #12 on: May 04, 2022, 06:37:35 AM » Author: Rommie
@ ElectroLite - While I usually find Electroboom amusing, that one is unacceptable. I'd appreciate it if you would remove the link to that video. If people want to go looking, that's up to them, but I'd just as soon not give them direct links.


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Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #13 on: May 04, 2022, 09:59:10 AM » Author: ElectroLite
All done!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 10:04:11 AM by ElectroLite » Logged
Re: Microwave Oven Transformers are LETHAL..!! « Reply #14 on: May 04, 2022, 10:00:38 AM » Author: Rommie
Thanks, there are enough candidates for the Darwin award around already  ::)  :mrg:
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