I'm trying to find some HPM 388 fluorescent lampholders for one of my AJF Zodiacs as the originals had disintegrated. I had a look online and could only find catalogue references without a "Buy Now" option. Someone was able to get the lampholders for their Zodiac but I can't find anything online. Tombstone style lampholders won't work and the button sockets I have are too thick.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 12:32:43 AM by 108CAM »
Fluro starter pings combined with a 50hz ballast hum and blinking tubes is music to my ears.
Rest in Peace Electronic Lamp Manufacturers of Australia
Bring back the AJF Zodiacs!
Total incidents since joining LG: 18
Lamps accidently broken or smashed: 15
Ballast explosions/burnouts: 3