Author Topic: Giving up on Lighting  (Read 4106 times)
Giving up on Lighting « on: October 22, 2009, 04:20:35 AM » Author: sailormoon_01_uk
Hi All

You may have noticed things in the Lighting scene seems have gone dead, also it
feels there seems to be no help from anyone no more, thanks to the stupid
Burocaracy, Health and Safety and WEEE Regulations, etc, which seemed to be brought
in by our stupid Government, I don't know about you but, I also feel like no
matter where you go, you seem to get let down, It seems that Collecting is now
becoming a nightmare and will soon will become extinct as it seems you get no
help at all, unlike, say 5 years ago people seem to help each other with
collecting, the only way of surviving our hobby is help from fellow collectors
but even this seems to have the same effect as we seem to be all in the same
boat, and ok there is E-bay but this now seems to be come to expensive as we get
out bid, and to add insult to injury is the Postal Service, which has placed a
spanner in the works, the cost of Postage going up. the Loss and Delay of mail
and now the 48 hour Strike. I don't know if you guys are starting to feel like
saying is it worth it, but I do feel like giving up with my collection/hobby as
it seems there is too many Obstacles in the way now, If you don't here from me I
have Nothing To Report.

I also have to apologise to others who have asked me for any Street lanterns they
asked me to save from a recent replacement scheme as this too has hit Obstacles
with the usual "NO we a not allowed Health & Safety and WEEE Regulations" or
"F*** Off" from the workmen even despite the Council's Street Lighting
Department say yes.

All the Best


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my old friend proteus the prawn!

Re: Giving up on Lighting « Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 09:21:48 AM » Author: prawnman88
colin ill never give up i have asked one worker in scottsdale were i work he said he wish he could give me the lantern but hard times for the city he has to re use fixtures and scratch build so i thought thats good atleast ill never give up !   also just a few weks back i took a chance and snaged 2 different parts on the same street glad i did !  dont give  up just find new ways to SCORE!  rich b

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Re: Giving up on Lighting « Reply #2 on: October 22, 2009, 02:12:15 PM » Author: SeanB~1
Colin, cheer up! The H&S asshats will win if you and all the others give up questioning them as to YOUR rights.

I do agree that our hobby is one that is more esoteric than others, but the best approach you can use is to convince them that you are preserving items that have historical value, and that deserve better than being melted down and lost forever. You can lay claim to having the best collection of lighting and associated memorabilia in the UK, and that your intention is to have a complete collection, without any missing pieces.

Think of Jay Leno, who collects cars, or at least things with engines that move around.


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Re: Giving up on Lighting « Reply #3 on: October 22, 2009, 02:49:53 PM » Author: magslight
@Colin: Don not give up. As I began to collect streetlamps (OK; I have not really much), I thought at first I were the only one and the most crazy man, in the world , which collect streetlamps, and in Germany there are not many. Then I found, and man , I was happy that there are other streetlamp /lamp collects , which do the same. Of course I saw your gallery very early , and it is great. Why loosing all this good things ? Is it not a important part of your life? Yes it is! Otherwhile you had not so many and really interesting lamps/lanterns and this know-how! Do not stop doing what makes you happy!
But this is for all: Everyone is sometime frustrated, but only for a short time. And this were be  a big lost for loosing a member like Colin.
(hope you understand what I mean)


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Re: Giving up on Lighting « Reply #4 on: October 22, 2009, 05:31:22 PM » Author: KEDER
I agree, you shouldn't give up

yeah bans happen, but we should do something about it. like petitions. or something. give reasons why all lights work good. we should maybe fight against bans if that would work. try our hardest. and if that doesn't work, don't get let down, trying is always the way to go. might work, might not.

Even though lighting bans, i will still collect.

i always like collecting, no matter what happens.
Re: Giving up on Lighting « Reply #5 on: October 22, 2009, 06:24:24 PM » Author: sailormoon_01_uk
Hi All

Thanks, believe me, it's becoming frustrating as regards to lighting, what is so annoying I have spent over 32 years collecting and persuing my hobby, 20 years in  the Electrical Industry, but recently it's becoming frustrating as there is too many obsticles and stupid rules and regulations are getting  in the way also with other issues which is becoming upsetting and insulting. I just like to give up and move on

All the Best


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GoL darren.harward
Re: Giving up on Lighting « Reply #6 on: October 22, 2009, 10:37:43 PM » Author: lite_lover
Hi Colin, I also agree don't give up,you may be running into obstacles such as new regulations,rising postal costs and apparently even some rude workmen which can dampen ones enthusiasm.I hope you continue to find fixtures and lamps for your collection.


The brighter the better.


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Re: Giving up on Lighting « Reply #7 on: December 19, 2009, 08:44:14 PM » Author: RichD
Colin, you should not give up. As I see it, things for us have never been better. Yes, there are asinine lighting bans popping up everywhere, and postage costs are inane. However, let's look at the bright side:

1) We have each other. I'm 38, and for most of my life I thought I was the only A$$h0le who paid ANY attention to this stuff. Now I know I have many, many friends who share my interest and have much, much more knowledge they'll happily share with me. 2)We have eBay. Yes, I know the prices can be high, you get outbid in the last secs, the postage costs are high. But at least the stuff's out there! Years ago if my local electrical supply store didn't stock it, I was sol; now I can find things that only existed in my dreams. 3)Our lighting stuff has an unlimited shelf life. We can buy it when and where we find it, then store it until we can use it. Trust me, we have it good in this respect. My other hobby is analog (film) photography. For years I've been watching products I love get discontinued.
Although I can afford to buy a significant quantity, these products are perishable and have a limited shelf life no matter how they're stored. On the other hand, an NOS 1930's light bulb will light as bright today as it would have in FDR's day - regardless of storage conditions.

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Giving up on Lighting « Reply #8 on: December 20, 2009, 04:29:15 AM » Author: tmcdllr
It doesn't matter what they do, what they say, or whatever stupid bans they impose, there are always ways around things. Sure it can be irritating, frustrating, not everything is easy all the time but you find ways to get past it and continue. That could mean taking a break, finding creative solutions, whatever. Bottom line is don't ever let anyone or anything keep you from doing what makes you happy, in the end that's all that really matters. If you really care about this so much you WILL find a way.

Nothing like the beautiful cool white light of a coated Mercury Vapor lamp and the soothing hum of it's magnetic ballast.

Re: Giving up on Lighting « Reply #9 on: December 30, 2009, 04:39:48 PM » Author: chapman84
Finding streetlight is not as easy as it used to be, especially mercury vapor lights since they're banned from production and import and utility companies aren't allowed to reuse them anymore once they've been taken down and many have been discarded over the last few years thanks to our government for passing that stupid EPact law. I did see my power company replacing some old streetlights in my neighborhood but I didn't bother to ask since the answer would of been no anyway because they're not allowed to give lights to anyone. I usually check on ebay for streetlights and even craigslist where I found my GE M-250R1's. 
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