My starter transformer seems to be broken. lamps dont start at all. I would guess that there is partial short circuit because one of the ballast heats up pretty quickly after powered up. Becauso of that failure I modified that "rs-project"-fixture I made some time ago to fit for dimming. But could not find better transformer for cathodes so I used previous one. So now cathode voltage is 9 volt wich I think is too high. There was this chart in dimmer manual wich mentioned that cathode voltage to 20-40W "nomal lamps" should be 6,5V and for 65-80W should be 7,5. For rapid start lamps, voltage should be 20-40W 3,6V and 65-80W 5V.
I tested without resistive baseload and adjusting was no good at all. it started very easely flicker. btw, the tube I use is philips F20T12/cw ALTO.
And another question that came my mind. was how to adjust the "dimming level zero"(sorry I dont know right translation for this word) but there is mentioned in the dimmer manual, that as a factory defaults. this level(tiny adjustable resistor) is set for incandescent lamps and its need to be readjusted if used with fluorescent lamps, but there is no instruction for this. So any idea how this level should be adjusted? I remember once seeing instruction in somewhere else I just could not find them anymore. I post pics when I find my camera. lost that too
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 12:44:00 PM by Roi_hartmann »