Author Topic: Putting the foot down  (Read 5736 times)

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Putting the foot down « on: November 02, 2021, 03:08:59 PM » Author: CreeRSW207
So a certain someone told me that some of my photos are possibly going to be deleted. This just pisses me off because one I think I do damn well taking these and my mom has been driving around on a broken foot. Meanwhile people are still displeased on good photos while some members are allowed to post about socks on SOX lamps when they’re grown adults!  My photos have taught members things and new members will probably learn from them as well as some of the fixtures and lamps are uncommon. So please, let the photos stay and the bullish!t end!

Also, don’t bother to kick me for this. I’m only stating an opinion.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2021, 03:17:26 PM by CreeRSW207 » Logged

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
Power Company: Eversource
Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.


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Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #1 on: November 02, 2021, 03:39:09 PM » Author: CreeRSW207
Deleting photos for a silly reason is like going to burn a house down because you simply didn’t like the looks of it.

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
Power Company: Eversource
Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.


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Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #2 on: November 02, 2021, 04:04:32 PM » Author: CreeRSW207
Someone’s got to eventually!

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
Power Company: Eversource
Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.


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Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #3 on: November 02, 2021, 11:15:53 PM » Author: alexd120
Quite frankly I agree 100%. All I'm gonna say is something needs to change Before everything goes down toilet.

Rapid start ,preheat metal halide mercury vapor and high pressure sodium for life.


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Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #4 on: November 03, 2021, 06:30:19 PM » Author: CreeRSW207
I totally agree!

I was contemplating posting this but I knew it was the right thing to do, especially since it has gotten other members to come out and state their opinions. This can show just how we think of LG at the moment.

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
Power Company: Eversource
Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.


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Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #5 on: November 03, 2021, 09:38:09 PM » Author: joseph_125
In years prior, I used to post mostly my collection stuff on here and post pictures of streetlights out in the wild on GoL instead since there was more interest in those pictures on GoL. Unfortunately GoL is pretty much inactive now with only a handful of members posting there. Otherwise I'd consider doing the same same.

BTW, if you're interesting in seeing mostly older pre LED era streetlight pictures, I have a ton of them on my GoL gallery. (Link under my profile pic) I never did upload some of them here mainly because the upload limits would mean I would need to upload 10 a day for a month to get most of them over. 
« Last Edit: November 03, 2021, 09:40:20 PM by joseph_125 » Logged
Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #6 on: November 04, 2021, 04:18:24 AM » Author: Rommie
@ thelightingman - Can you give me an example of who has posted "perfect pictures" who end up having their photos deleted for no reason..?

Don't forget that people are entitled to delete their own uploads for whatever reason they choose, a deletion doesn't always mean an admin has done it, indeed it's rarely done by us without discussion amongst the team first - we almost always try and remedy any problems with a member before a decision to remove a picture is taken.

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Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #7 on: November 04, 2021, 05:35:26 AM » Author: Danny
I certainly do not think photos should be deleted if the quality is not the best, lets not forget we also have the Replace File Button where members can replace the photo if they wish and keep all the info and comments etc.

When i first joined in 2011as utterly as insane as this sounds, the only camera i had that i could use to take photos was my laptop web camera! I remember at the time the quality of my pictures to me seemed good, but over time and after i got my first iPhone, i could tell that the quality of all of my webcam photos were very poor as the good quality pictures i was then getting off the iPhone camera made the webcam pics look terrible! But nobody used to complain. However a few years later i had started deleting them and re uploading them (because in those days we did not have the Replace file button) and i was sad to lose the Comments etc. I cannot remember if it was my or someone else's suggestion for the replace file button but it came and it was a god send. I was able to spend time digging through my collection back in 2014-15 and re taking every thing i could and replacing the files.

Some people like myself are not familiar with photography, and use our iPhones for pictures. Some people may not be able to afford a flash camera or even iPhone. So until this issue arose, some people might not have even realised their pictures were poor. some will have.

I understand we have lost a fair few veteran members over this issue, and i have put forward for an Administrator Role. If i get to become one,  sorting this fall out before anything else is my first port of call as although it doesn't involve me, i would love to try and get said members back here.

If anyone here wishes to talk to me regarding this issue, please message me. It can be in confidence if you wish
« Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 05:39:58 AM by Danny » Logged
Mandolin Girl
Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #8 on: November 04, 2021, 06:20:17 AM » Author: Mandolin Girl
The only time that a good quality picture gets removed is when the OP removes it themselves.

And that is entirely up to them and has nothing to do with the admin team 'taking steps' to take pictures down.
Mandolin Girl
Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #9 on: November 04, 2021, 05:54:38 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
The team are doing their very best to get things back on track.  :(

Things have been veering off course for a long time and it's going to take a long time before they're sorted out.  :wndr:

Please, everyone give the admins a chance to do their work.  :love:

Let them fix one thing at a time, not the whole lot at once.  ???

Trying to do that will mean that it will take them longer in the long run. :poof:


When I was working my job was as a Business Administrator, and I know what can happen when things start to go wrong.  :(

Unless you concentrate on one part of the problem at a time, you find yourself sinking even faster.

Think of the situation as a leaky boat, you can either bail out the water or plug the hole. Try doing both at the same time, it can't be done.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 06:12:49 PM by Mandolin Girl » Logged

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GE HM1000's

Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #10 on: November 07, 2021, 10:41:36 AM » Author: Burrito
In years prior, I used to post mostly my collection stuff on here and post pictures of streetlights out in the wild on GoL instead since there was more interest in those pictures on GoL. Unfortunately GoL is pretty much inactive now with only a handful of members posting there. Otherwise I'd consider doing the same same.

BTW, if you're interesting in seeing mostly older pre LED era streetlight pictures, I have a ton of them on my GoL gallery. (Link under my profile pic) I never did upload some of them here mainly because the upload limits would mean I would need to upload 10 a day for a month to get most of them over.
Oh,and by the way, the site is not secure. I don't dare login to GoL without fear of getting hacked.

ON LG FOR 2 YEARS! Please don't ask to meet up with me, as I am still living with my mother. Don't send me items either please, thank you!
Please, watch out for the future. It's not looking good. Loves instruction manuals of any kind!

wide-lite 1000

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Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #11 on: November 07, 2021, 02:39:16 PM » Author: wide-lite 1000
I noticed that also . That's why I joined here instead of there .

Collector,Hoarder,Pack-rat! Clear mercury Rules!!

Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #12 on: November 07, 2021, 02:40:06 PM » Author: Rommie
I joined here because I found it first. When I did find GoL it was all street lights, which isn't my interest.

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Somewhere There Is Light(ning)

Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #13 on: November 07, 2021, 04:01:22 PM » Author: xmaslightguy
Quote from: General street Lights
Oh,and by the way, the site is not secure. I don't dare login to GoL without fear of getting hacked.
That "not secure" stuff really means nothing .. its a forum & photo-gallery, not a site where you are buying stuff!
Personally I prefer standard http sites (for stuff like forums). Eliminates all the compatibility issues that https crap causes with older systems.

At this point I plan to continue my streetlight gallery on GOL. No plans for any more here.

ThunderStorms/Lightning/Tornados are meant to be hunted down & watched...not hidden from in the basement!

Mandolin Girl
Re: Putting the foot down « Reply #14 on: November 07, 2021, 04:04:30 PM » Author: Mandolin Girl
As far as I know all the https does for a forum is make it harder for the bots to access the site.  :wndr:

At least that's my understanding of the reason.  :bulbman:
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