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Honestly I don't see how this fixes anything.
Long live the Incandescent streetlights! Power Company: Eversource Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.
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Other loves are printers/scanners/copiers, A/Cs
I think that the 10 pictures limit was good. I can't upload picture to LG with the current limit.
I"m don't speak English well, and rely on online translating to write in this site. Please forgive me if my choice of my words looks like offensive, while that isn't my intention.
I only working with the international date format (
I lives in Israel, which is a 220-240V, 50hz country.
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I have not really uploaded any photos to this site other than a few of fixtures in my collection. It's been my plan to start posting more I just haven't gotten on that yet. Regarding coming to the site to view others photos, I will say that I usually don't even bother clicking on photos that are low quality. I want to see a good clear photo of whatever it is I'm looking at. Whether it's a luminaire, lamp, photocontrol or whatever. If I see a blurry photo of a luminaire on a pole and I can't even see the details of it, I don't bother wasting my time clicking on it.
There are plenty of members that take awesome photos and even close ups of luminaires that really show detail and those are the ones I want to see.
However there are a group of members that I notice continually upload the absolute worst photos and all I can ask is why bother? I won't start calling out members by name of course but who wants to look at a blurry blob on a screen? There's always an excuse such as I was in a moving car or something along those lines. Well I've taken a few good quality photos in a moving car. They're posted to my gallery on GoL. And if I get a blurry low quality photo I delete it and don't waste my time or others time posting it. As well as wasting space on the website.
I agree that the upload limit should only apply to those that are continually posting horrible photos, as kind of a punishment I guess you could say. Those that are posting quality photos I wouldn't want their uploads limited. I want to see more of their photos.
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All lighting except LED rules!
Personally, I think that we should stick with the 10 upload limit. I know I upload pictures from my phone, but that's all I have and I cannot afford an actual camera and won't be able to for a loooooong time and I don't know how to edit pictures at all so I am stuck with using my phone but at least my phone takes decent pictures. I hope you guys understand.
I think HPS, MV, and MH rule! Ban LED instead!
I take my pictures through a phone as well and it's hardly an expensive one but I think that my pictures are of fairly decent quality. But I don't believe in buying an expensive phone to impress anyone and I hate cell phones as it is. Unfortunately we're not all professional photographers either but there must be a middle ground between a blurry photo and National Geographic Magazine.
As for the upload limit maybe it should apply to certain members. I mean at least I would like to see the better pictures. Though I feel like 10 is to many. I think 5 is a better compromise.
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All lighting except LED rules!
@Morbid Angel:I agree with you 100 percent.
I think HPS, MV, and MH rule! Ban LED instead!
Can I reiterate Patrick's original comments. The 3 per day upload limit is a temporary measure until we can work out alternatives to solve the problem of the complaints we have been receiving of poor quality uploads. This is a complex issue that is not going to be solved overnight. As I said in my previous post, it was well after 3am this morning before I got to bed and I've been tired all day. We are working to find solutions, but please bear with us. Ria
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I take my pictures through a phone as well and it's hardly an expensive one but I think that my pictures are of fairly decent quality. But I don't believe in buying an expensive phone to impress anyone and I hate cell phones as it is. Unfortunately we're not all professional photographers either but there must be a middle ground between a blurry photo and National Geographic Magazine.
As for the upload limit maybe it should apply to certain members. I mean at least I would like to see the better pictures. Though I feel like 10 is to many. I think 5 is a better compromise.
I sometimes take pictures using my phone too, especially if it's something interesting I saw out in the wild and I didn't have my camera on me. However I do only upload the phone pictures that are of a decent quality. Phone camera quality is also highly variable, with some of the better phone cameras giving entry level point and shoot cameras a run for their money. The same thing applies for moving vehicle shots, with the right lighting, and some decent equipment...especially if you have a camera with more manual controls, you can get fairly clear shots from a moving vehicle. Just make sure your windshield is clean, to avoid the dirty spots, or crop them out on the computer. That being said, in a moving vehicle the correct lighting is very important so don't count on getting clear night shots in a vehicle. For those you really need a tripod for the best results. Now, I'm hoping phone camera pictures and moving vehicle pictures aren't given a blanket ban as I feel like while these shots can potentially be bad (and also used as an excuse for poor quality photos) but they're not always bad and the people that do take shots from a phone camera or from a moving vehicle but still maintain a good quality shouldn't be punished by those who use the two as an excuse. For those that have a phone camera that only gives ok quality pictures and can't afford a new phone, here's what I would do. A lot of point and shoot digital cameras get donated to thrift stores and there's isn't a big demand for them so they sell for only a few dollars at the thrift store. They should give fairly decent picture quality if they're at least 8MP which would also give you some headroom for cropping. Then use your computer to get the pictures off and then edit and upload. If you're cash strapped, GIMP is free to download, runs on Windows/Linux/Mac and is more than what you need to edit pictures for LG. If you just want to get your photos from your phone camera to your computer for editing, you simply plug your phone into the computer and get the files off that way. Then you can edit on the computer and also upload. Once you try uploading on your computer, you'll probably never want to go back to uploading using a phone. Honestly speaking the bad quality photos don't really bother me, I just don't click on pictures that aren't of interest to me, which includes the bad quality photos.
As a user, and not as an admin, I would like to make a point in response to Joseph's post. Sometimes when I'm browsing the gallery, I see a lot of pictures that are boring to me. I realise they're not boring to everyone, and I can accept that. What I would ask, to any member, whoever they are and however good their pictures may or may not be, is this - What is the picture that you are planning to upload going to contribute to the site..? Is it something interesting, or is it yet another cobrahead or or whatever that we already have 857 of already..? What makes this one different from those already up there..? If it's a super-rare lamp or lantern that is in imminent danger of being torn down, then fine, go ahead, a picture of a rare lamp will always be well received, even through a car window. But if it's yet another street light or whatever that we already have plenty of, is it really going to add any real value to the site, or is it just going to get lost amongst the almost identical pictures already there..? This is the core of my argument, and it is where I believe a lot of the complaints have been coming from. Surely the purpose of a site like this is to show the world the fascination we all have with lighting, to try and get more people interested by showing them the wonderful examples of lamps and lighting that we still have in the world, before they all get replaced by the dreaded LED..? And before anyone starts yelling at me, I do understand that many people like LED's and that's fine, but they just don't have character to me, they're rather soulless. But if it's an interesting design and you're not likely to see it again, by all means post it. But at the end of the day, my personal (not admin) view is that you should post because the picture will add something interesting to the site. That's just my £2 worth. Edit: Just remembered Joseph's point about GIMP. I don't like it much, it's hard to navigate around unless you're quite experienced with it. As I already had the LibreOffice suite of office programs installed (MS Office compatible) I use the Draw program with that. Just drag, drop, resize and rearrange to your heart's content. It usually takes me less than 5 minutes to create my collages, and I think they're reasonably good, if I do say so myself
« Last Edit: November 01, 2021, 04:02:54 PM by Rommie »
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Formerly "TiCoune66". Also known here as Vince.
Now I wonder if Joseph can read my mind... From the proposed compromise of 5 files a day to how to edit photos using GIMP, that's pretty much what I had in mind too! For those who enjoy showing say large volumes of the same fixture, it could be a good idea to create a mega-collage of all of them into one or a few files. In many cases the surroundings aren't of any relevance, no need to show them. And when it indeed is relevant to show the environment around the fixture, it can have its separate file. Another idea that crosses my mind: what about a permanently lower file limit, say 5 to 7, but a higher size limit per file? Or maybe a limit based strictly on total uploaded MBs? I'm getting more into my personal opinions here but I really like collages now and I think it's a better use of server space. And fewer, but larger files would encourage the use of collages, should the admins decide to go that route. On a related note, another idea: would some people be interested in having some of their images combined into collages to downsize their galleries a bit? Not that I'm actually offering this kind of service BTW, just throwing the idea LOL.
Mandolin Girl
I feel like at this point that this is becoming a rather sensitive issue and is likely more of an administrator problem than with the general membership. While we would all like a faster turnaround as Ria said it's going to take some time and realistically speaking she's right. Also remember that Patrick did say that the 3 upload limit is only temporary so no decision is carved in stone yet. The best that the membership can do is let the admins work it out while we strive to maintain good pictures.
Having said that I certainly hope that it doesn't come to for lack of a better word a witch-hunt against members who use phones to take pictures. As I fear that could cause a lot of problems. It will certainly end my membership. But I'm not going to have an anxiety attack over it since nothing has been decided on yet.
Mandolin Girl
@ Vince: We have both used GIMP in the past, and couldn't get our heads round using it. These days we use LibreOffice Draw and get what we thunk are good results. From my point of view there's nothing wrong with using a camera built into your phone, as Joseph pointed out some of them give the entry level point and shoot cameras a run for their money. Also pictures taken from a car, while frowned upon, if you can't tell from the picture quality who's to know.?
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I think 10 was fine, 5 is too low. Honestly I thought I give my all taking these photos, especially recently when my mom has been driving with a broken foot to take me to get these pictures, only just to get comments from only one member and have them get called “bad quality” when they’re 100% not. Seriously, come on.
Long live the Incandescent streetlights! Power Company: Eversource Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.
Geez I'm sorry about that Cree I should have given your pictures more time it's just that I've been really frustrated here. But you know how much I love your pictures. You're one of the members whose pictures that I specifically look for and if your taking pictures of MV lights on at night then you are lucky as I don't have that privilege down here. Also I'm really sorry to hear that you're mother's foot is broken. Geez I hope that she gets better soon!
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Thanks for the well wishes for my mom. Also, thanks for picking me up again, I was and still am debating on leaving due to the fact that LG simply isn't LG anymore.
Long live the Incandescent streetlights! Power Company: Eversource Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.