Most of the terms mean the same as the others, just used in other parts of the world. The "semiresonant" means it may at first glance look like resonant, but it is not working in resonance at all. It is in fact what in the US is called rapid start, just the filaments are heated by a high impedance current source (via the capacitor connected in series with the filaments), instead of a low impedance voltage source (low voltage auxiliary secondary winding in the transformer assembly).
E.g. "programmed start" is the term used practically only in the North America, Europe uses the "warm start" for the same functionality in the resonant stsrt HF ballasts.
And some terms ("Perfect start", "Quickstart",...) are just proprietsry marketing BS terms (some are even registered trade marks).
All of them are "designed" and mainly used as marketing term, so you can not take them to the letter and expect to mean something exact. They may indicate certain principles, but only to some extend, they definitely do not mean anything exact.