Jamie listen to me man,
I am a man of much younger skin and that comes with the lack of knowing that you have, but please take my advice and don't abandon this site over a few bad apples. I myself have had to deal with bad people all of my life and it can make it suck bad, but i have always pushed through it all.
I have a lot of apathy uploading lamps, i take all the pictures but never let them out here. I would love to see some 80s lighting, that's in my opinion the era I should have been born, but this one is okay too. I will gladly check out any incan picture here you put out, because i love those kinda lamps, they are the first i could reasonably collect and enjoy. Vintage floros has become a passion of mine too, the fascinating little detail of every spec made awes me too.

Loss is a horrible thing Jamie, i have seen it far too many times in my life how it can hurt a man, including myself.

If showing this small little site your father's racing history helps you out then i will support it.

It's up yo you to find that lighting you like and upload it here, i would love to see it any bulb that it is.
