Author Topic: Do trailer parks own/maintain lighing on utility poles?  (Read 879 times)

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Do trailer parks own/maintain lighing on utility poles? « on: January 21, 2021, 06:25:01 AM » Author: CreeRSW207
Do trailer parks own the street lights on the utility poles? When I visited the one nearby, every utility fixture worked, including the incandescent fixtures! I know that incandescent streetlights have a somewhat short lifespan, could the utility have recently relamped them or have they just lived for a long time? It also seems that they have much older lighting and that they tend to be skipped over during LED, or HPS conversions.

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
Power Company: Eversource
Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.


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Re: Do trailer parks own/maintain lighing on utility poles? « Reply #1 on: January 21, 2021, 11:18:45 AM » Author: sol
I imagine it varies from location to location, depending on the agreements that have been reached with the local power companies.

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Long live the HPS and SOX!

Re: Do trailer parks own/maintain lighing on utility poles? « Reply #2 on: January 21, 2021, 12:48:19 PM » Author: HPS_250
This varies completely based on location. Here, (although there are not many trailer parks nearby) the lighting is maintained by the owners of the trailer park. Some trailers parks nearby have no street or area lighting at all, and are only lit by lighting on the buildings. The trailer parks close to highways or major roads have lighting owned by CalTrans. This lighting is LED, usually Solarmax SMX-WIE or Leotek E-Cobras. Nice to hear about working incandescent fixtures!

I’ve always been interested in all kinds of lighting, mainly incandescent and HID, and especially all kinds of sodium lamps (HPS/LPS). I’ll tolerate LED but I’m not a fan of it.
I’m not proud to say that my city has Devolved to LED.


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Re: Do trailer parks own/maintain lighing on utility poles? « Reply #3 on: January 23, 2021, 09:37:09 AM » Author: LightsDelight
In Australia, how it works is that any pole that carries power before the meter is the responsibility of the property owner. The equipment, however, belongs to the energy provider. I know people that run a caravan park. They have illuminated paths that have nothing to do with United Energy (the main provider for a chunk of Victoria) We have a proper pole onsite with a 22kv to 415V transformer, that is United energy's property, but it is our responsibility like if anything minor is going on with it, it's our responsibility to get it looked after. If there is anything major and United energy catch wind of it then they will take action.

Keep discharge lighting alive

Cole D.

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123 V 60 CPS

Re: Do trailer parks own/maintain lighing on utility poles? « Reply #4 on: January 24, 2021, 10:25:41 AM » Author: Cole D.
Here it varies. The fancier places have concrete poles with usually GE M250R2s or AEL 115s in HPS, which are serviced by the utility company.

Some of the smaller parks just have a few rental lights on wooden poles, usually Cooper NEMA heads or AEL 165s in HPS, again installed and serviced by the utility. Gradually they've been replaced with Evluma Areamax LED.

A few very small parks have their own private lights, usually yard blasters on shorter wooden poles. One appears to have HPS and MV yard blasters, which I notice lately have been being replaced with generic disc type LED area lights.

Collect vintage incandescent and fluorescent fixtures. Also like HID lighting and streetlights.


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Re: Do trailer parks own/maintain lighing on utility poles? « Reply #5 on: January 24, 2021, 11:00:48 AM » Author: CreeRSW207
Here it varies. The fancier places have concrete poles with usually GE M250R2s or AEL 115s in HPS, which are serviced by the utility company.

Some of the smaller parks just have a few rental lights on wooden poles, usually Cooper NEMA heads or AEL 165s in HPS, again installed and serviced by the utility. Gradually they've been replaced with Evluma Areamax LED.

A few very small parks have their own private lights, usually yard blasters on shorter wooden poles. One appears to have HPS and MV yard blasters, which I notice lately have been being replaced with generic disc type LED area lights.
Yeah, I think the ones here are owned and maintained by the utility.

Long live the Incandescent streetlights!
Power Company: Eversource
Startup Landscaping/LED retrofit business.

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