Bulbman, believe me Rommie knows! I don't know how but she knows!!
Collecting light bulbs since 2012, a madman since birth.
Think im gonna hightail it to florida now, does the current humidity and heat permit an area she can not reach? If she finds out about the home brew chandelier i am VERY Screwed!
(a) Nope (b) You're very screwed
Oh no, i knew you would find out someday! Besides i thought you Hated that sort of weather! Might seek refuge at an Aussie's member here or somewhre else on the bottom of the planet that is horribly muggy!
Do you mind if I give you some advice.? When you're in a hole, stop digging...
Ok fine I'll stop. But what if the hole had a bunch of buried lamps at the bottom i am hunting for?
But I asked nicely
Yes, but that guy is still pointing a gun at me
Not you, the LED behind you!
My friend here she isn't armed she's just keeping an eye on things as she's got the eyes and is practically bionic. Still I can always call on Karl to get me out of a jam.
If the lady in Ria's avatar was holding a 35W SOX lamp it would perfect.