The "Japanese style" FPL55EX is electrically different than "the west's" FT55W/2G11 (NEMA).
Men of God brought to light a source which specifies FPL55EX arc current is 670 mA.きさ区分:55形
全長(mm): 557
The NEMA FT55W/2G11 (GE High Output Biax® F55BX, OSRAM SYLVANIA DULUX® FT55DL, Philips PL-L 55W) which most of us members would be familiar with,
is rated 101 V 550 mA (thank you, James!). The Japanese (Hitachi, Mitsubishi, NEC, Panasonic, Toshiba) FPL55EX lamp, though of roughly similar shape and size, apparently is rated 670 mA.
Two decades ago, the aquarium hobby lighting market was shifting away
from T12 lamps to T5HO and
"Power Compact" (PC) lamps. There were two most common
Power Compact formats:
"Panasonic style" with "square pin" bases/sockets (GY10q), and
"GE" or "German style" with "straight pin" base/socket (2G11). The lamps, and fixtures/luminaires, were variously labelled and rated for "55W" or "65W" lamps. Some were even "slash" rated as both power levels, 55/65.
I wondered (and surely so did others): What is the difference between the two?
Is there a difference? Are they
the same, or are they
compatible ("close enough")? If they are more-or-less
arbitrary nominal ratings, then why does this brand
specify only one type? If I use the
other type of PC lamp, will it degrade quickly? Can I use both power ratings of PC lamps together, or will that burn-out the power gear?
I think this bit of information answers the question: they're all fifty-five watt! 55 W, all of it! The custom-label aquarium lamps (specialty products for narrow audiences) were sourced from various manufacturers. The thicker tube (T6) lamps were 55W @ 670mA, while the thinner (T5) tubes were made to be driven @ 550mA. I guess: the (thinner/T5) FT55W lamps, when connected to a 670mA lamp driver, would operate at approximately 65 watt. (A decent overdrive,
Power Compact!) Conversely, I guess the Japanese-made thicker/"Panasonic style"/FPL55EX lamps would be underdriven at approximately 45 watt, on a 550mA power unit.
Well today at last, after subject PC aquarium lighting has been obsoleted/outmoded by LED, I found
what I think is an explanation.
edit: And thank you too WorldwideHIDCollectorUSA, for another arc current spec. reference.Following are some examples of confusion and mixed terms and nominal power numerals."It is truly amazing the amount of misinformation in this hobby."