The Alto line was released in 1995, with the first gen Alto going until 2007. Let me throw out there that I have been VERY VERY impressed with the first gen of Altos. Out of the big 3, they clearly performed the best and lasted the longest, and that is hard for me to say because I am a loyal Sylvania & GE man. My only performance complaint with the first gen and this would also carry over to the 2nd gen would be their color output. GE & Sylvania tended to have a more "true" and "uniform" 3000, 3500, & 4100k color output where as the Philips was a bit off in my opinion. Especially in the 4100 range (cool white) Philips seem more "soft" white where as the other two are a more cool/crisp white, what we've been used to with the T12s and forever..
From The Philips website:
"In 2007, Philips introduced ALTO II Technology. These bulbs have 50% less mercury than the original ALTO, making them the most sustainable linear fluorescents available. Best of all, these bulbs offer the same superior performance levels as before. That means you don't have to sacrifice bulb life, light quality or energy to help you be more sustainable.
In 2007, Philips introduced ALTO II Technology. These bulbs have 50% less mercury than the original ALTO, making them the most sustainable linear fluorescents available. Best of all, these bulbs offer the same superior performance levels as before. That means you don't have to sacrifice bulb life, light quality or energy to help you be more sustainable.
Mercury in T8 lamps
All fluorescent lamps need a small amount of mercury to operate efficiently but Philips has been working hard to reduce the mercury levels. With the use of ALTO Lamp Technology, Philips set a standard by reducing the amount of mercury in T8 lamps to a then industry-low 3.5mg. With ALTO II Technology, fluorescent T8 lamps now have only 1.7mg of mercury and still deliver outstanding performance. And to further help reduce environmental impact, Philips only uses recycled mercury in the lamp.
Better for the environment. Same performance characteristics.
There is a misconception that lowering the mercury will reduce lamp life, energy savings or light output—this is not the case. Philips has developed an innovative way to lower the mercury level without sacrificing life or any other performance parameters."
Source: can also throw out there that another difference between Alto and Alto II is that Alto II's are not as heavy and the glass is thinner, making them more prone to breaking/shattering.