Medved can you explain some more on ignitor wear out mechanisms ? What actually happens ?
First the capacitor is a component with wound structure and high electrical fields involved. When high current spikes flow, they create high magnetic forces within the structure, causing it to break on fatique after some time. Same from the electrostatic forces suddenly disappearing. Andthere are quite large peak currents involved. If you arecareful, you may locate the capacitor being one of the "strongest" noise makers there, just behind the transformer/ballast...
Second any avalanche breakdown tends to wear out the semiconductor component (charges get trapped where they shouldn't be, mainly in the oxide on the semiconductor die surface, deforming the fieldsoinfluencing the breakdown there, so the device starts to locally overload, degrading it further till failure).
And whenfirinh, the resistor inside gets heated up quite a lot, so when firing for too long, the heat degrades the materials around (the potting compound, the plastic frame the components are mounted to,...).