Hi all, due this COVID pandemic, how about share our favourites recipes, so everyone can taste something new while at home?
My favourite (it isn't fast, but it is very good) is Risotto all'Amarone:
Here is the recipe (i've tested and tasted

http://www.veronissima.com/sito_italiano/html/gastronomia_verona_risotto.html (i have some issues with google translate, so i post direct link)
I know there are a lot of people which cannot retrieve this kind of wine and cheese, but you can modify with other wines and cheese.
- Replace beef marrow with extra virgin olive oil (i did this, it went fine), but choose an good oil.
- Monte Veronese (cheese): i didn't tried to replace, but taste like some mild-seasoned cheese.
- Amarone della Valpolicella: here, it costs 14€/0.75l (for a low quality bottle), but you can try other wines (red wine,
not sweet, not sparkling).
Another recipe i've tested, is, of course, pizza.
Here is the recipe for dough
https://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Impasto-per-pizza.htmlIngredients are common, so you'll find them easy.
Prepare this in morning, leave dough bump up at 30°C for 6-8 hours, then roll out in a baking tin.
Add tomato sauce (or squeeze tomatoes) to cover everywhere the dough, add buffalo mozzrella (or common mozzarella, but buffalo is tastier).
Cook at 160°C for 15-20 minutes (it depends on dough height, if you feel it is ready, turn off the oven).
Add ham and mushrooms (fresh champignon if you can find, otherwise mushrooms in oil, no garlic and remove oil before adding) before serving