Author Topic: Forum Post Limit  (Read 5745 times)

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Forum Post Limit « on: January 12, 2020, 05:46:55 PM » Author: Patrick
Members, we are going to be trying out a daily per-user message limit for the forum.  Currently the limit will be 15 messages in 24 hours.  This only applies to the boards and not personal messages or gallery comments at this time.  We are open to revising the limit in the future, should we find that it is overly burdensome.  Our reasons for this limit are as follows.

  • We would like to emphasize post quality of quantity.  By setting a limit, everyone will be encouraged to remain succinct and focused on the topics being discussed.
  • We would like to discourage people from posting simply to raise their count.  We have also removed post counts from the user information on the side of each message.  At least for now, post-based rankings remain, but keep in mind these only provide a rough measure of a member's activity and experience level.  There is no reward for increasing your rank.
  • The limit should persuade members to use PMs for conversations only relevant to a few specific members.
  • The limit should dissuade members from using the forums for idle chit chat.
  • The limit will prevent high posting activity from a member or two from drowning out others.  This was more of a concern for photo uploads, but we occasionally receive complaints that a new topics can be bumped down quickly as a result of a flurry of postings from a small number of members.
  • When disputes arise, members often argue back and forth.  The limit may help disagreements from escalating by requiring those involved to take a break.

We realize this limit will be an inconvenience at times, but we are hoping it will provide a better experience overall.  We'll see how it goes over the next several weeks and determine if any further adjustments are needed.  If you have feedback, feel free to contact us.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 05:49:30 PM by Patrick » Logged

Patrick C., Administrator


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Re: Forum Post Limit « Reply #1 on: November 01, 2020, 06:25:48 PM » Author: Patrick
Note the post limit we had in place stopped working after the forum upgrade a couple weeks ago.  After some discussion with the moderators, we have decided to re-implement the limit, which is now in effect once again.  It is still 15 per day.  If you have feedback regarding the limit, feel free to contact us by PM.

Patrick C., Administrator

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