Dobar dan svima na forumu.Želeo bih da se formira komisijia od nekoliko ljudi u Srbiji koja će sarađivati sa kompanijama koje recikliraju stare sijalice,fluo cevi,živine i ostale sijalice.Pod tom kategorijom zaštite će biti T12,T8 Fluo cevi Jugoslovenske,Rusko Sovjetske,Mađarske i Čehoslovačke proizvodnje.Tu spadaju i Živine sijalice,Natrijumske visokog i niskog pritiska sa navedenih prostora.Zaustavimo bacanje retkih eksponata.Ovo smatram ozbiljno i želeo bih zaustaviti istrebljenje starih sijalica.Poenta je da se stare sijalice odnose sa reciklažnih centara i šalju kolekcionarima.Svi mogu da se priključe u formiranju komisije.Zabranjeno je versko i nacionalno vređanje kao i mešanje u politiku. Nadam se da ćemo uspeti.
Good day to everyone on the forum. I would like to create a commission of several people in Serbia who will work with companies that recycle old light bulbs, fluo tubes, mercury vapour bulbs and other bulbs. Under this category of protection will be the T12, T8 Fluo tubes of the Yugoslav, Russian Soviet , Hungary and Czechoslovakian production. These include Mercury Vapour Bulbs, Sodium High and Low Pressure from these spaces. Let's stop throwing rare exhibits. I consider this seriously and I would like to stop the extermination of old bulbs. The point is that old bulbs relate to recycling centers and send to collectors.Everyone can join the formation of the commission. Religious, national and psychological insults, as well as interference in politics, have been safeguarded. I hope we would win
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 05:17:54 AM by Jovan »