Author Topic: Shanghai Disney lighting  (Read 1910 times)

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Shanghai Disney lighting « on: July 21, 2019, 09:17:21 AM » Author: takemorepills
Just came back from Shanghai Disney Resort.

It is (I believe) the newest Disney park. Surprisingly, Disney relies heavily on more traditional lighting sources such as incandescent/halogen and fluorescent.
Of course there's plenty of LED lighting, but usually just where RGB or creative shapes are required.
For example:
Lot's of MR lamps with dichroic filters. Light from these is far more complex than saturated monochromatic LEDs. Seems Disney Imagineers appreciate the broadness of the spectrum of filtered incandescent/halogen lighting. I tried to imagine these areas lit by LED, it would've been too garish.
I think in the future they'll need to use dichroic filters over high CRI white LED if they want to use LED. For now they stick with incandescent/halogen.

Fluorescent T8 BLB is relied upon for true blacklight effects. I personally have never seen BL LEDs that are as selective as discharge based BLB, most LED BL has too much visible light. There's hundreds of T8 BLB lamps in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

Most of the theater style cans are incandescent/halogen with gels. There's a few LED par cans.

As far as I can tell, just Tron was all LED.

Thought I'd share, I was surprised at the significant presence of more traditional light sources in a brand new Disney park, especially in an LED intense place like China.

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Re: Shanghai Disney lighting « Reply #1 on: July 21, 2019, 04:18:03 PM » Author: RyanF40T12
They chose to go mostly traditional for the time being but I'd expect to see upgrades as each feature is refreshed about every 5 years or so. 

The more you hate the LED movement, the stronger it becomes.

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