I came across these lamp listings while browsing Alibaba. Unlike many others that resell genuine Philips lamps, these look to be manufactured by someone else as the internal design does not resemble Philips's design that has nipples for the sodium. They are probably far worse in quality, however with Philips closing down their SOX lamp factory this may be one of the only options going forward, that and they are a little cheaper than genuine Philips.
Here is the first listing I found, probably the most practical. Sold by Tonhi Electric with the lamps being branded as "PRO-FAV", and a minimum order quantity of 50.
LINK 1 They sell everything up to 135w lamps, and they seem to be alright. I wish I could try it but I'm not risking wasting hundreds of dollars on junk. Maybe one day when I can pick up (far) less than 50...
Here is the second listing I found, with these being branded as M-ALite. These are way more expensive, although they have a minimum order quanitity of 10 pieces, and if you order over 100, you can customize the branding.
LINK 2 I am not sure if these are knockoffs or genuine rebranded philips lamps, due to the price being so high. At least they discount it if you order more.
Here is the third listing. This one is seriously unrealistic as the minimum order is 1000 pieces. You could probably negotiate with the guy, although that may be a total waste of time. I'm including this as if you go to one of their listings, they have FrontSideBus's 18w SOX-E video as their product video. I wonder if he knows??
LINK 3 If these are actual knockoff SOX lamps, I am seriously interested in what these may be. They may be our only option going forward, given they're not rebranded Philips lamps. If you guys are interested in this, search up "Low Pressure Sodium" on Alibaba and see what comes up.