Author Topic: Idea for a small business!  (Read 2966 times)

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Idea for a small business! « on: November 13, 2008, 09:57:35 PM » Author: NiMo
OK gang, since I have been refurbishing all of my lights in my personal collection, This has given me a brainstorm to star up a new business. 

Here's the idea:  With the economy on shaky ground today, people and companies need to find cost-effective ways to save money while retaining/obtaining a quality product.  Here's how it would work:

Say, for example, I get a contract to restore and refurbush 10 Westinghouse OV-50s because the cost to replace them with either TB 327s or Cooper OVLs would be too costly and the customer does not want shoebox lights.  I would receive the lights and begin to disassemble them and thouroughly clean the parts and components.  Now, the OV-50s are 1000 watt MV, but the customer wants to upgrade to 1000 watt HPS.  An additional reballasting charge would apply per fixture.  After thourougly cleaning the housing, off to the paint booth it would go for repainting with factory spec (default) or custom color requested by the customer.  As the painting is being done, the smaller parts are being cleaned and the new ballast components and lamp are ready for installation.  Once completed, the customer would get ten Westinghouse OV-50 Silverliners in 1000 watt HPS.

Using that example, I estimate the cost of a brand new Cooper OVL with a 1000 watt HPS to be roughly $600.  A refurb from MV to HPS with reballasting for that size?? $250.  If the customer wanted to keep the MV, the cost would be around $150. Either way, a new lamp is provided in the deal.  Pretty neat, huh??

Group Replacement, Baby

Re: Idea for a small business! « Reply #1 on: November 13, 2008, 09:59:30 PM » Author: form109
good idea!

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GoL darren.harward
Re: Idea for a small business! « Reply #2 on: November 14, 2008, 05:00:27 AM » Author: lite_lover
Seems like a good plan. 8)

The brighter the better.


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Re: Idea for a small business! « Reply #3 on: November 14, 2008, 12:32:20 PM » Author: TudorWhiz
Go for it!!!

Be sure to mention that older fixtures are better quality too!

if Customer wants FCO or Sags, you can convert a nice OV-15 to one easily!!!

For pictures of my streetlight collection and other streetlight pictures with some various pictures that are not in this website, please visit  under GullWhiz

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