So in my town on the highway, the section of lights for about 5 miles had been switched out for Philips LED Roadfocus Lumec about 2016 early.
Although the rest from there north, were still HPS 400W. Mostly GE M-400A2 Powr/Door, with some AEL 125 and Cooper OVX spot replacement, as well as GE M-400 in sections. With some AEL 125 spot replacements from recent.
But just about a week ago, I noticed two of the HPS lights had been switched with more Philips Roadfocus LED. So, I'm wondering on the rest of the lights, if the bulb goes EOL that they're going to start replacing with LED instead of relamping, since that's what it looks like.
Plus a section of lights on another highway near my house, had GE M-400 HPS, but a few weeks ago they got switched to AEL ATB2.
Yet Duke Energy still install AEL 115 HPS FCO for spot replacement on streets, but for private area lighting they seem to be using AEL ATB0 80 LED and have been for a while.
Yeah, they're doing that in the Grand Parkway (Texas 99), I've now seen a couple of Greenstar Avengers which is the medium version, plus I already saw one AEL Autobahn ATBL near I45, and a Philips Lumec Roadfocus RFL near Katy, TX.