Author Topic: Why I'm barely on the site.  (Read 2726 times)

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Just chilling I guess Unreleasedwav UC2Uv7t9KgigOoT6blff2t3w i.d._official
Why I'm barely on the site. « on: January 01, 2019, 11:11:53 AM » Author: F96T12 DD VHO
As many of you may know, I plan to move from Aspen, CO to Reykjavik, Iceland near the end of this year or sometime next year.
The reason why I barely post is because if I don't wan't to add more things (like light, gear, fixtures, etc.) to move and I have nothing to post anymore. Over my recent posts I have only posted situations of lights that are in other places and some LED Tape light. I'd love to spend time on the sit some more on this site, I have to find time for my unofficial job, gf, maintaining my car because it's made in 95', and trying to apply for a college or university in Iceland.
It's has nothing to do with the site. I've been so busy that I sometimes lost hours of sleep. I've been trying to keep myself stable financially so I can go to my goal, don't worry I'm doing fine now. I don't want anything to go wrong with the move, I'm mostly worried about the shipping of my stuff.
I'll post every now and then so it doesn't look like that I've abandoned my account.
So until further notice (which I don't know when that will be, I hope to see some good things happen.

With regards, Alex (F96T12 DD VHO).

Music Producer/Light Enthusiast


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Re: Why I'm barely on the site. « Reply #1 on: January 01, 2019, 04:23:40 PM » Author: Patrick
Two moves in one year is certainly going to keep you busy.  How much more time will you be spending in North Carolina before you head out to Colorado?

Patrick C., Administrator


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Re: Why I'm barely on the site. « Reply #2 on: January 01, 2019, 04:25:52 PM » Author: suzukir122
You're definitely not the only one busy lol... I work 12 hour night shifts, typically 2, to 3 days per week at my job.
I've been getting "forced" Over Time, which means I'm working about 4, to 5 days per week, all being 12 hour night shifts. Although
I won't share what exactly I'm planning, I've got big time goals as well. My goals aren't necessarily preventing me from visiting
this site, but they're significantly interfering with me purchasing more vintage lighting.

But yeah bro, I don't know much about Iceland, but you'd better hope you can at least use your current gear/fixtures up there. Things
might be a little different over there in terms of lighting in general. Know what I mean?

1. Motorcycles, Cars, Women, and Lighting (especially fluorescent)
2. Weightlifting/staying extremely athletic
3. Severe Thunderstorms of all kinds
4. Food and drinks. So gimme them bbq ribs
Lighting has ALWAYS been a passion of mine. I consider everyone on here to be a friend


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Re: Why I'm barely on the site. « Reply #3 on: January 10, 2019, 12:05:18 AM » Author: ace100w120v
I feel ya! I'm scaling back a lot on collecting.  Not only that, life has gotten in the way, and I, too, am moving.  Port Alexander, AK to Fairbanks, AK then to Malaga, NJ.
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