When I was at Shafririm special education school, at 10.dec.2003, I've read at Yediot Aharonot newspaper a suspicious article about a city that "celebrates" nothing but the first elevator in the city.
Since elevators are widely used in the world and in Israel in particular, I wondered if this event was happened in a nameless settlement at a 3rd world country.
When I continued to read this suspicious article, it turned me out that this event happened here in Israel, at a settlement that I didn't know it existence before than that called Yeruham.
Since elevators are widely used here in Israel, and the article described the people of Yeruham, as if they never seen an elevator in their life (They called the elevator "Wonder"), I, for many years, doubted if this event really happened.
In the recent days, I began to wonder if this article is actually a very early evidence of fake news here in Israel.
Google Translate link to the said article in Ynet (Original link to the said article in Ynet in Hebrew)