Author Topic: Is newer LED cob or filaments more far advanced, than the traditional LED bulbs?  (Read 2617 times)

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Is newer LED cob or filaments more far advanced, than the traditional LED bulbs? « on: January 04, 2018, 11:16:43 PM » Author: lightinglover8902
I get it, newer LED technology just gets more advanced, but is the newer LED technology worth it? I replaced the CFL bulb which was a GE Helical 13w warm white (which is dirty, and mercury starved) outside of my outdoor driveway light fixture, to a Thinklux Lighting LED filament bulb which is 5w I believe (replaces 40w incandscent), and it seems to light up my driveway alot more than the CFL. I know CFLs take time to warmup, but in cold, might take even longer. What do you think?

Save the Cooper OVWs!! Don't them down by crap LED fixtures!!!


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Re: Is newer LED cob or filaments more far advanced, than the traditional LED bulbs? « Reply #1 on: January 04, 2018, 11:38:28 PM » Author: 589
Yes they use even less power and material while producing a high quality light than earlier types. Especially with filament led with a glass bulb and real a19 form factor and light distrobution. Also cheaper too.

I think the newer filament jobs are for the most part bang on as a general white light. Especially the frosted ones. Time will tell their durability. The cob jobs are at many times seem to be more serviceable and customizable. This is good for people like us who are tinkerers. Mostly this advantage goes to chinesium bulbs in this category. Name brand bulbs many times use proprietary led chip sizes and wattages. So I like both for different reasons.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 11:42:52 PM by 589 » Logged



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Re: Is newer LED cob or filaments more far advanced, than the traditional LED bulbs? « Reply #2 on: January 05, 2018, 12:21:39 AM » Author: dor123
LED filament lamps don't contains plastic, but what about the driver? It is still there, and its components have toxic materials, and the LED themselves also have toxic materials. All of these, still causes environment pollution when manufactured, disposed or even being recycled.

I"m don't speak English well, and rely on online translating to write in this site.
Please forgive me if my choice of my words looks like offensive, while that isn't my intention.

I only working with the international date format (

I lives in Israel, which is a 220-240V, 50hz country.


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Re: Is newer LED cob or filaments more far advanced, than the traditional LED bulbs? « Reply #3 on: January 05, 2018, 07:54:43 AM » Author: Medved
LED filament lamps don't contains plastic, but what about the driver? It is still there, and its components have toxic materials, and the LED themselves also have toxic materials. All of these, still causes environment pollution when manufactured, disposed or even being recycled.

Not that much. The LED chip materials may be toxic in their pure form, but it is very hard toextract them from the finished LED even when you would intentionally do so, it will never release by itself.
The drivers are extremely simple bridge rectifiers and linear constant current source, both quite small chips, with some mg of silicon. The toxic elements are there, but in concentrations of barely 1ppm in the silicon itself, so we are talking about nanograms total quantity. Natural occurrence of these elements is way higher (e.g. as normal contaminants of practically all technical metals we use).
With manufacture the presence of these materials is concentrated, but these sites make so huge production of the final products, there are just few such sites on the Earth. Fewer than e.g. nuclear power plants filled with tons of high activity radioactive materials in their reactors. And there is very strong risk management on these installations, so the total environmental impact from contamination is nearly zero. The Chernobyl, Tokaimura or Fukushima (the most severe civil nuclear contamination release events) disasters already counted in, the radioactive and poison release from e.g. coal burning soot (natural contaminants present in the available coal) is still many orders of magnitude greater in total sum globally...

No more selfballasted c***


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Re: Is newer LED cob or filaments more far advanced, than the traditional LED bulbs? « Reply #4 on: January 24, 2018, 06:58:46 PM » Author: nicksfans
LEDs are FAR better than spiral CFLs in just about every way.

I like my lamps thick, my ballasts heavy, and my fixtures tough.

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