The remarks about the Ge or not-power-rectifiers were about the other diodes you mentioned as "There are few Ge diodes,...", not about the main (blown out) rectifier.
The main rectifiers which this thread started about are clearly Si.
Because they were larger than the 1N4007, I would go for 1N5404..5406.
Or at least 1N4004 (the 4007 has about 50% higher voltage drop due to the diffusions in the higher voltage rated diode being of higher resistance, so even more than 50% higher losses; the 4007 has itmentioned in the datasheet, but the trend is real across the whole range), but these will be ontheir very limit on the inrush current surge charging the capacitor (sized for max load currents above about 0.3..0.5A).
Or incase there is a bridge rectifier topology and if the diodes are arranged in favorable way, you may use either KBP20x or GBPCx50xW (the "W" at the end is important, it means round wire terminals to be soldered into the PCB). These are bit heavier, but because have 4 point support, the solder joints are not stressed for bending.
The small round rectifiers are not that good for mainly the inrush current into the filter capacitors used for load currents above 300mA.
These are not for a bridge rectifier, so I will probably use 1N5404 diodes.