I'm in school right now, and every school has those mildly interesting teachers. Mrs. Berendes-8th grade She was a year replacement for the normal science teacher who was out fue to family issues. What was funny was she'd always mess with this kid named Carter in class. Carter is what would be called a giblet head, and he was widely annoying to teachers and kids at school. When that boy wouldn't act right, she'd always yell at him(not in the mean way), and on one occasion, we all his and turned the lites in class off when he left for the bathroom. Mr. Veach-9 thru 12th grade. He is the shop class in my school. When he yells at someone, we call it getting "veached". Yesterday in class, another boy who ain't right was off track. It so happens he's in my group for planing and using the jointer and radial saw. I was looking for something to do when my workmate was screwing around. So Mr. Teacherman got real irritated and said "KALE, GET BACK TO WORK!!! YOU HAVE FIVE SECONDS TO START PLANING! GO ON, PLANE LIKE THE WIND! PLANE LIKE THE WIND! He was so shocked he couldn't move and when five seconds passed he said "OUT IN THE HALLWAY NOW!" This kid has a tendency of getting veached too.