During the years, I encountered numerous lanterns in Qiryat Ata, that did a single or more on/off cycles, hot restriking at way lower temperatures than normal HPS in their state would restrike with external ignitors (Most restruck at LPS color), then returns to normal operation, and after several period of operation with such behavior, they stop working completely.
These "Temporary cyclers" in Qiryat Ata included:
http://www.lighting-gallery.net/gallery/displayimage.php?pos=-93888 (This lamp is on an anti-cycling ignitor, thats why it gives up after the second cycle)
http://www.lighting-gallery.net/gallery/displayimage.php?pos=-92669 (This one observed cycling non stop, but it cycles are similar to the rest [Hot restrike at LPS orange color, instead of at almost full brightness])
http://www.lighting-gallery.net/gallery/displayimage.php?pos=-99233All of these cyclers begins their one or several cycles once the roadlighting turning on. Most of them extingushes before reaching to full output, and hot restrikes at way lower temperatures than they should be in their state with external ignitors. But once they stops cycling, they finally reaches full output, and remains operating steadily, until the next roadlighting turning on.
Today, when I photographed the new HPS lamps, that relamped the Koffers and the Aluras (The video will soon be uploaded), I observed the center lantern of the second triple lamppost, doing a single cycle in the style of all of the cyclers in the videos that I posted here. It was off for a long period of time, finally hot restruck at a pinkish white color, that changed to a dimmer than usual orange color, then return to normal operation.
What could causes HPS lamps to behave such?