Author Topic: Supermarket Incandescent Wipe-out  (Read 2817 times)

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Supermarket Incandescent Wipe-out « on: February 10, 2014, 07:09:39 PM » Author: Steele1992
I've been going to my local Kroger supermarket here for the last few months, and was picking up 60W incan's for 94 cents a box last month and the months prior. Today, I go in there, and they've all been gone (even though the supply was always restocked after I bought 4 or 5 boxes)...and have been replaced with $7-a-box halogen bulbs.  The company is "Everyday Living", so nothing too exciting, but bulbs are bulbs. I got a pack of the halogens anyways, just for collective purposes.

Also, picked up a 4-pack of rough service 100W bulbs for $3 or so at my local hardware store. I don't remember the name offhand though.

Been really scrambling to stock up on bulbs now before time runs out and they become like a bottle of water in a post-apocalyptic city. H4H:ReStore is a good place to get bulbs too, but they only have a handful at a time.  I often take the bulbs out of lamps at the thrift shop as well.

I collect exit signs, preferably vintage ones.

I also have a little bit of a thing for light bulbs, too. Of course, hoarding them due to the incandescent bulb ban.

(Signature last updated October 27, 2011)


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Re: Supermarket Incandescent Wipe-out « Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 08:05:44 PM » Author: Larry
Yeah I stocked up on these last Summer at Home Depot just for having a some around even though I don't use any due to using all fluorescent lighting.

But I do have those little 4 watt night lights around here.
I tried those new 4 watt replacement LEDs, but went back to the 4 watt incandescent bulbs as they just looked better.
The little glowing filament just has a nice look to it I like.
But today it is not what you like, it is what someone else tells you are going to like.
Where is it going to stop? :o

It is getting kind of crazy when they want you to replace a 4 watt bulb to save energy.
Like many others here have said, if you break down the energy usage of the average home, lighting is not the big user of energy.
Here at night I added up my average lighting load and it don't amount to much at all.

My lighting don't spin up my electric meter, but my AC unit sure does. ;D


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's GE Power Groove


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Re: Supermarket Incandescent Wipe-out « Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 08:35:37 PM » Author: sol
I had a few LED night lights (non-replaceable lamp) and they all failed in two years. Now, I have only incandescent night lights, and in all of them I have red C7 Christmas lamps of 4 watts. I stock up at Christmas time although it is getting harder to find. The red colour is less disturbing to sleep, and with a baby waking up in the night, it is better for everyone. The total load is three lamps that are operating all night and one that is switched off before going to sleep (its purpose is merely to find my way to the bed). My heat pump and electric furnace combination adds up to the bulk of my electricity bill. I don't worry about the lighting although I try to turn it off when not needed (but sometimes forget).

I use mainly GU10 halogen, GLS, F15T8, PL (magnetic), the occasionnal CFL and a 175 watt mercury vapour outside. I also have a couple of indicators using S6 lamps and they get fair use. I am trying to stock up on incandescent, but have not had time to go shopping. I do have a small reserve, though. I might look into the halogen refit lamps someday. 

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Re: Supermarket Incandescent Wipe-out « Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 08:36:09 PM » Author: Steele1992
I agree. Incandescentlight bulbs use less energy then your HVAC or TV set (I have CRT TV's still). I do not run any lights during the day either, as a personal rule. I have my curtains open from sunup to sunset.

I collect exit signs, preferably vintage ones.

I also have a little bit of a thing for light bulbs, too. Of course, hoarding them due to the incandescent bulb ban.

(Signature last updated October 27, 2011)


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Re: Supermarket Incandescent Wipe-out « Reply #4 on: February 10, 2014, 08:42:45 PM » Author: sol
I do not run any lights during the day either, as a personal rule. I have my curtains open from sunup to sunset.

Same here, however not so with my neighbours across the street. All blinds tightly closed 24/7 and lights on all day. Go figure...

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Re: Supermarket Incandescent Wipe-out « Reply #5 on: February 10, 2014, 09:26:35 PM » Author: Steele1992

Same here, however not so with my neighbours across the street. All blinds tightly closed 24/7 and lights on all day. Go figure...

Yes. same here too. there's about 30 houses on my street, and all of them never open their blinds/curtains/shades at all. Only about 5 out of the 30, and that includes me house, open their curtains daily. Luckily for me, the siding on both my neighbor's houses is white, so when it's a bright sunny day, and the sun is shining on their siding, it illuminates my room too.

I collect exit signs, preferably vintage ones.

I also have a little bit of a thing for light bulbs, too. Of course, hoarding them due to the incandescent bulb ban.

(Signature last updated October 27, 2011)


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jonathon.graves johng917 GeorgiaJohn
Re: Supermarket Incandescent Wipe-out « Reply #6 on: February 27, 2014, 11:46:44 AM » Author: DieselNut
I use all fluorescent lighting in my house, barns and shop, but do have specific needs for incandescent, so I have began stocking up too.  My chick brooder area is lit with incandescent for heat and light.  My well house has fluorescent for light and incandescent for heat, to keep the connection at the bladder tank and faucet from freezing in Winter (pipes are all insulated).  I also like the look and dim-ability of incandescent PAS cans over my stage in the shop.  LEDs have a nice effect there too, but nothing looks as "classic" as good ole incandescent.  I have one LED night light (which has dimmed out badly) and several 1.5 watt to 4 watt fluorescent lights used as night lights. All lighting types have their advantages and disadvantages. I prefer fluorescent (magnetic ballasted) but like LED and incandescent for certain looks and needs.  Bottom line: the consumer who buys the product and pays for the power to run it should be the one who decides what is bought and used, not the damned government.

Preheat Fluorescents forever!
I love diesel engines, rural/farm life and vintage lighting!

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