I'm especially confused about it changing based on the number of lamps. I feel like that shouldn't make a difference.
If two lamps are operated in series, the OCV should in theory be double the requirement for one lamp. That also explains why in Europe, even with the same 36 watt ballast, two 18 watt lamps in series require two starters of 120 V whereas the same ballast operating one 36 watt lamp requires a 230 V starter. I imagine the same would apply to RS. As for the difference between the OCV in North American preheat versus the North American RS, the preheat can supply an inductive kick when the starter opens while the RS does not.
In other words (and to simplify) you can operate a single 12V lamp from a 12V battery. If you build a circuit with two 12V lamps in series, you would need 24V to operate at proper brightness.
Hope this makes sense.