Just noticed the Spaulding palomar 90W FCO SOX fixtures that have been on US ebay for awhile have been reduced to 50% and there's only 5 left. I had bought one awhile ago and they are really nicely made fittings. All welded and powder coated aluminum. A new Advance SOX 90W ballast kit alone costs more than twice the shipped cost. They are San Jose CA city surplus from what I can tell by the markings on my box. Just throwing a heads up for those that didn't want to pay $160 before and forgot about them. No affiliation, just very happy that I got one myself. The reflector is very modern and very effective.
SOX is the most efficient, monochromatic, sue several around here 18, 35, 55, 90W SRP in pk lot SOX MiniSox 30 + years in use Just replaced a 32 year old Philips 35W sox wallpack, plastic lens finally got too yellow, block light output, if I could have found a new lens it would still be up with a Hubbell 55w wall Pack(uses 55 or 35w SOX lamp, same Advance Philips ballast) It might as well be Philips, lamp, ballast and Kulka socket all Philips (kulka was) Stonco is now Philips surplus on ebay 18W American Electric 18W wall packs (not like original mini sox but quality, all philips inside) Philips sold it's Van Wert fixture div to American Elctric years ago, these are copys, but not as heavy work fine stock up, guy has as skid load of em and Stonco(Philips) 18W GLASS lens wall packs great stuff cheap SOX it to me.