Author Topic: Choosing a pair (clear/coated) of 100w med base baby MV's for a demonstrator  (Read 2308 times)

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Choosing a pair (clear/coated) of 100w med base baby MV's for a demonstrator « on: September 19, 2013, 08:13:54 PM » Author: MikeT1982
Hey guys/freinds how's it going.  I'm soon going to get around to "setting up" my small mercury vapor lamp fixture for personal enjoyment/demonstration of one of my favorite lighting sources. It is the 1950's-1960's era Welch Scientific mercury vapor Spectral light source I got on ebay for $30.  It has a small GE Autotransformer that says "for 100 watt Mercury Vapor Lamps" and I tested it to have an open circuit voltage of 244 vac with my wall socket input of 120.4 volts ac.  I hope it works alrite and nothing explodes lol!  I have yet to test it with a lamp! So anyways it has a small brown lamp cord that comes off the ballast (heavy as (...), stamped "General Electric Co., Made in USA") and goes to a ceramic medium base socket on a slideable post sort of like a tripod. I figured it would make for  a sorta neat demonstration/display. So originally I wanted a Sylvania coated 100w med base merc and a clear lithonia (Caster) but I can't find the lithonias.  I really liked their style. After research I decided upon this, and would like some advice - a clear and a frosted EYE 100 watt merc.  Is EYE Iwasaki a good company with a good build and quality and nice looking internals?  I also fear uv light but as Medved,Ash, and Dor123 (thanks! :-)) taught me a year or so ago most smaller wattage bulbs are forced to comply to a relatively safe standard. I want to be able to have it on the table top, run it up and use sunglasses or just not look directly at it with no fear of skin or eye burns...if this is possible lol.  Thanks so much guys, Iwasaki seems like a company I can trust but I know you'll point me in right direction!  Have a good one,

« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 08:15:40 PM by MikeT1982 » Logged
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