Author Topic: Art Installation in Hobart, 49 Ushio UXL4000 D's aimed up to the zenith!  (Read 2535 times)
Globe Collector

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Art Installation in Hobart, 49 Ushio UXL4000 D's aimed up to the zenith! « on: June 22, 2013, 05:52:56 AM » Author: Globe Collector
   We have this millionaire here in Hobart, David Walsh. He makes his money from automated, computerized gambling, but he has built this whackey art museum called M.O.N.A., (Museum of Old and New Art) on the old Al Corso vineyard in the suburb of Berridale, which set him back a cool 130 Million!
    Each year for the last few years near the Winter Solstice he has invited artists to come and display in Hobart. He calls it the MONA FESTEVAL OF ART, but somehow, this year it has been shortened to "MoFo". The state government is so strapped for cash they are fawning all over hum to use is "MoFo" to get the tourist bucks in as all our industry and manufacturing have nearly gone.
   One artist, Ryoji Ikeda, has had set up 49 searchlights, each containing a Ushio UXL-4000-D super high pressure xenon lamp on a 7x7 grid, each about 2m, (6 foot) apart. The whole lot is set up by a French Company, "SKY LIGHT", of 50 rue Henri Farman, 93290, Tremblay, France. (
    It draws 196Kw (200Kw) and 50% is provided by two 50KvA gen sets and the rest is from the grid from a pillbox which normally provides power for fairs, sideshows and circuses.
    Last night, the winter solstice the sky was clear and the air at a crisp 3*C (34*F). From my place 7Km (c4 miles) away the beam tip appeared come to within about 5* of the zenith. My sister lives v50Km away and she can see it clearly too. For the $200 odd it costs to run it the 16 hours of each winter night the effect is impressive, but I feel the power could better be used for those who are cold and homeless. If you type "Dark MoFo" into \Google and, select "Images", it will come up like a rash.

Manufactured articles should be made to be used, not made to be sold!

Fee, Fye, Fow, Fum, A dead man's eye and a parrot's BUM!


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Re: Art Installation in Hobart, 49 Ushio UXL4000 D's aimed up to the zenith! « Reply #1 on: June 22, 2013, 06:29:44 AM » Author: Ash
This thing can heat up the ones cold and homeless provided an unobstructed line of sight.....

There is no reason to powe it up for so much time, other thing is, the guy is paying for the energy/fuel used for his own exhibition, but will he pay if it would be used to give away to "not his own" homeless ? I dont know if the guy would even want to and you cannot force him

Worldwide a lot of energy is wasted on enormous power streetlighting (does not really mattre if HPS or LED, the amount of light is plain overkill), i'd rather say direct that money and energy for the homelesses instead (but then will come all the whineys with the "___ lux minimum" standards and their lawyers). Actually, with all those 50w mercs and 2x18w strads you in Oz/NZ appear to be rather decent in that regards (though i'm sure i'd at least half the amount of lighting even there if the choice was mine)
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