Author Topic: A dream reminded me of a "fixture" I had totally forgotten about!  (Read 2205 times)

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A dream reminded me of a "fixture" I had totally forgotten about! « on: April 05, 2013, 01:02:03 AM » Author: MikeT1982
I had a dream lastnight that reminded me of a "fixture" that totally startled me back in the summer or 1998.  I was pulling in to a car wash in the town where I now work, and it was by a diner and a laundromat.  They all share the same wide entrance off the main road.  It was around 2am (I worked late shifts and the car wash was lit with mercury vapor 24/7) and was startled by an orange moving glow coming out of the pavement.  I drove over it and got out of my car and there were moving bright orange arrows, the details I can not recall clearly but I believe it was maybe 8"x24" dirty window of glass in the macadam pavement and inside bright orange lamps glowing up forming an arrow pointing in to the entrance.  I have never before or again seen such a thing.  Tomorrow night (Fri) when I get out of work I am going to go visit this place and see if it is still there and photograph it thoroughly, come home and upload what I get.  I am going to bring along a flashlight also to aid in photography.   That was 15 years ago, I sure hope it wasn't covered over in pavement.  I am very sure it wasn't a dream back then, but dreaming of it lastnight really made it a foggy memory, I never again saw it functional.  Whatever it was could it have been very old and switched on by maybe the diner by some bored worker and left on?  I am quite intrigued now.  I wanted to visit there tonight after work but drive in with the wife and couldn't, tomorrow I am driving separate and definitely getting us some photos! 

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Re: A dream reminded me of a "fixture" I had totally forgotten about! « Reply #1 on: April 05, 2013, 01:38:27 PM » Author: Ash
I seen some similar setups

In a 90s system i seen, it was done with vacuum brick footpaths and ordinary daylight 2xF36T8 weatherpacks below it - The footpath being on a bridge or a higher terrace, and the lights accessible from under the bridge or from service room under the terrace (the room containing stuff like electrical panel feeding other lights in the area, cable TV service amplifiers, irrigation sprinkler systems controls etc)

Recently i seen other setup (i think quite recent one) where the pavment contains translucent plastic bricks, with color LED lamps under them - in this case the LEDs are not accessible, you have to lift the pavement to get to them. I seen a big electric box in a nearby low wall, this probably contains all the drivers for the LEDs and breaker for this circuit

Waiting for your pics....

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Re: A dream reminded me of a "fixture" I had totally forgotten about! « Reply #2 on: April 05, 2013, 04:43:39 PM » Author: MikeT1982
Nice!! Thanks Ash!  It's 4:45pm now and I'm stuck till 11pm and can't wait to get out to begin photography! :-)  it may be later at night when i upload, most likely 3am or so EST as I'm in Pennsylvania USA.

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Re: A dream reminded me of a "fixture" I had totally forgotten about! « Reply #3 on: April 06, 2013, 03:19:42 AM » Author: MikeT1982
Okay i got some photos! Going to load them now! It is still there along with the power line which i never saw before! This thing is odd!! It was so clouded i could not see in it, but I am so tempted to bring a cordless drill with allen bolt bit  :o :o :o.  It is right by a main highway but i would have to park my car sideways and risk vandalism charges so its probably a bad notion LoL!!! Boy i wish i could open it though!
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