Yeah, that's what blows about the LED tubes.
One interesting thing I noticed last time I was in the local Home Depot & made a point to walk through the light aisle & look at tubes, it was mostly still LED, but at some point they brought back a limited selection of fluorescents (stuff like F32's)
I wonder if any of you in Colorado had problems with purchasing high CRI F40 tubes online.
I haven't tried (have no need for any more F40's), but as long as you can find them should be no issues until after the end of the year.
Local second-hand listings are your friends then!
And technically banned in CO (even if given away free, since that's still a "transfer") starting next year, though it'd be hard for them to control such...
I am wondering if there's any good stores in Albuquerque, NM since they're ban-free. It's a 5 hourish drive ...
I wonder the same about Wyoming (closest cities would be a 3+ hour drive... way too far for me, but wouldn't be surprised if there's still some good stuff there)
Another thing I've wondered about is out on the eastern plains of CO, there's all those small towns that might have little old hardware stores full of interesting stuff. If I ever go stormchasing out there, I'd be tempted to stop in one. .lol.