I would love to see someone find a H40 425W mercury lamp, never seen one in a collection I dont think sadly, but you cant fudge a M47/H36 ballast this much, you can do it fine for a 700W mercury lamp, but there is a limit to how far you can take things.
your best bet for running a such a lamp like this in 60Hz land would probably be across the red and blue wires of a 2 lamp F96T12 VHO ballast, 1.5A is likely good enough to run the lamp up to near enough full power.
(interesting brochure/technical document BTW
interesting to get some detailed info on the 6.6A series mercury lamp, years and years ago someone uploaded a period picture of a lady holding a tray of early westinghouse mercury lamps and there where many interesting types there PS35 shaped 175W sorts and the afromentioned H17 425W and H24 6.6A ~400W~ types, the later of which with its 70V arc voltage you could probably get away with running on a series choke off 120V)