When I was a kid, my school buses (BlueBird) had 14 lights, with two rows of 7 each going down the length of the bus. The bus driver had 3 switches, one for the first six lights in the front of the bus, the next six in the middle, and the last two at the very back. Sometimes he would get lazy and not bother flicking the third switch for the last two lights so very back would stay dark.
He would manually turn them on the lights picking us up in the morning. The only one that came on automatically was along the stairs in the front of the bus. I remember one of the lights burned out when I was in like 3rd or 4th grade and I'm pretty sure it remained burned out until that bus was retired and replaced five or six years later. I noticed the newer buses have the same style of fixture but they are now 5000k LED.
I remember some of the substitute buses that were a different brand or configuration only had six lights in the cabin, and they were dimmer.