Author Topic: Can someone please date this and what is the model as well?  (Read 1994 times)

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GE HM1000's

Can someone please date this and what is the model as well? « on: November 10, 2022, 03:52:57 PM » Author: Burrito
This setup is very 1980's to me. and it is one of my favorite arm styles. I am unsure of the traffic signal brand. I know the yellow one is an Eagle Signal but what are the others?

ON LG FOR 2 YEARS! Please don't ask to meet up with me, as I am still living with my mother. Don't send me items either please, thank you!
Please, watch out for the future. It's not looking good. Loves instruction manuals of any kind!


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Matthew E.

Re: Can someone please date this and what is the model as well? « Reply #1 on: November 10, 2022, 04:58:35 PM » Author: Econolite03
Those are Econolite “buttonbacks”, manufactured from the early 80s until 2001 or so.

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GE HM1000's

Re: Can someone please date this and what is the model as well? « Reply #2 on: November 10, 2022, 05:37:13 PM » Author: Burrito
Thank you! I kinda figured these where Econolite's, but i wasn't sure

ON LG FOR 2 YEARS! Please don't ask to meet up with me, as I am still living with my mother. Don't send me items either please, thank you!
Please, watch out for the future. It's not looking good. Loves instruction manuals of any kind!


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Re: Can someone please date this and what is the model as well? « Reply #3 on: November 10, 2022, 10:50:45 PM » Author: joseph_125
Nice to see these with most of their paint too. Most newer signals tend have paint that flakes off like you see with the Eagle Mark IV on the end of the mast arm.

Also interesting to see the use of green and yellow signal heads on the same mast arm.

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GE HM1000's

Re: Can someone please date this and what is the model as well? « Reply #4 on: November 10, 2022, 10:58:37 PM » Author: Burrito
I believe the dog house signal was installed in the early-mid-late 1990's. I don't live where these are at, but i can provide a street view link to it here.

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« Last Edit: November 11, 2022, 08:24:17 AM by Rommie » Logged

ON LG FOR 2 YEARS! Please don't ask to meet up with me, as I am still living with my mother. Don't send me items either please, thank you!
Please, watch out for the future. It's not looking good. Loves instruction manuals of any kind!


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Re: Can someone please date this and what is the model as well? « Reply #5 on: November 11, 2022, 05:49:48 PM » Author: joseph_125
Interesting, it almost seems like the doghouse was installed to provide a protected-permissive left signal for that direction instead of the fully protected left signal the other direct has. I wonder if the doghouse was originally a fully protected left signal too.

Odd to see the red ball - amber arrow - green arrow combination used on the fully protected left signal. I think using all arrows is more common nowadays although in Ontario they still use red ball - amber ball - green arrow signal configs for fully protected lefts here with a sign next to the signal saying LEFT TURN SIGNAL.

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GE HM1000's

Re: Can someone please date this and what is the model as well? « Reply #6 on: November 11, 2022, 06:06:15 PM » Author: Burrito
Probably, I also am wondering if these are still incandescent or if they're LED?

ON LG FOR 2 YEARS! Please don't ask to meet up with me, as I am still living with my mother. Don't send me items either please, thank you!
Please, watch out for the future. It's not looking good. Loves instruction manuals of any kind!


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Re: Can someone please date this and what is the model as well? « Reply #7 on: November 13, 2022, 03:03:58 AM » Author: joseph_125
They look to have LEDs of differing ages and make/model. The red LEDs look to be the oldest (individual LED array instead of incandescent look) compared to the amber and green LEDs which are the newer incandescent look modules. The were probably originally incandescent though.
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